International Security

International Security
Area of Specialization Curriculum
The International Security area of specialization is guided by the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) at FSI. Students must complete two required courses, and choose at least three electives from the pre-approved list below - for a minimum of 20 total units.
Required Courses
INTLPOL 240: Contemporary Issues in International Security
INTLPOL 296: Blueprint to Battlefield: Weapons Technology and Sociotechnical Change
Approved Electives
Currently Offered (AY 2024-25)
EASTASN 243: Taiwan's Democratic Evolution
ESS 164: Fundamentals of Geographic Information Science (GIS)
HISTORY 261G: Presidents and Foreign Policy in Modern History
INTLPOL 200: The Social & Economic Impact of Artificial Intelligence
INTLPOL 211: A New Cold War? Great Power Relations in the 21st Century
INTLPOL 222: Global Futures: History, Statecraft, Systems
INTLPOL 226: Current Issues in Southeast Asia
INTLPOL 231B: Understanding Russia: Its Power and Purpose in a New Global Order
INTLPOL 247: Verification for 21st Century Arms Control Treaties
INTLPOL 248: China and its Military
INTLPOL 250: Ethics, Law and War (PSYCH 383)
INTLPOL 252: India in the Indo-Pacific
INTLPOL 256: Technology and National Security: Past, Present, and Future
INTLPOL 259: Research Topics in Technology and National Security
INTLPOL 260: Technology, Policy, and US-China Relations
INTLPOL 265: AI, Autonomy, and the Future of Warfare (PUBLPOL 119, PUBLPOL 219)
INTLPOL 280: Transitional Justice, Human Rights, and International Criminal Tribunals
INTLPOL 282: Global Human Rights and Local Practice
INTLPOL 288: The Asian Triangle: Japan, Korea and China
INTLPOL 324: Economic Statecraft
INTLPOL 340: Technology, Innovation and Great Power Competition (*Required for Class of 2023 & earlier)
INTLPOL 350: International Law
INTLPOL 357: Transitional Justice
INTLPOL 358: Business, Social Responsibility, and Human Rights
INTLPOL 363: Confronting Misinformation Online: Law and Policy
LAW 7821: Negotiation
MS&E 297: "Hacking for Defense": Solving National Security issues with the Lean Launchpad
POLISCI 348: Chinese Politics
POLISCI 443S: Political Economy of Reform in China
PUBLPOL 219: AI, Autonomy, and the Future of Warfare (INTLPOL 265, PUBLPOL 119)
PUBLPOL 353B: Regulating Emerging Technology: Risks, Opportunities, and Reality
SOC 309: Nations and Nationalism
Inactive Courses
EASTASN 289K: Korea and the World
HISTORY 261D: Democracy in Crisis: Historical Perspectives
HISTORY 303E: Infrastructure and Power in the Global South
HISTORY 349: Bodies, Technologies, and Natures in Africa
INTLPOL 210: The Politics of International Humanitarian Action
INTLPOL 213: International Mediation in Civil Wars
INTLPOL 214: Refugees in the Twenty-First Century
INTLPOL 217: The Future of Global Cooperation
INTLPOL 221: Politics of Data: Algorithmic Culture, Big Data, and Information Waste
INTLPOL 232: Foreign Policy Decision Making in Comparative Perspective
INTLPOL 233: Presidential Decision Making in Wartime
INTLPOL 236: American Grand Strategy
INTLPOL 238: Social Movements in the Post Spring Arab World
INTLPOL 244: U.S. Policy Toward Northeast Asia
INTLPOL 244D: Asia-Pacific Transformation
INTLPOL 246: China's Foreign Policies: Objectives, Instruments, and Impacts
INTLPOL 249: War and the Making of Modern China
INTLPOL 250: International Conflict Resolution (currently active under a different title)
INTLPOL 257: Technology & Public Purpose: Practical Solutions for Innovation's Public Dilemmas
INTLPOL 266: Managing Nuclear Waste: Technical, Political, Organizational Challenges
INTLPOL 285: American and Chinese Approaches to Managing Global Challenges
INTLPOL 353: Policy Practicum: Human Rights & International Justice
INTLPOL 354: International Criminal Law and Its Enforcement
INTLPOL 355: International Human Rights
INTLPOL 356: Human Trafficking: Law and Policy
LAW 5036: Law and Ethics of War
LAW 7109: Foreign Affairs and the Constitution
LAW 7823: International Negotiation: Solving Intractable Conflict
POLISCI 218T: Politics of Insurgency, Terrorism and Civil War
POLISCI 311N: Nuclear Politics
POLISCI 314R: Challenges and Dilemmas in American Foreign Policy
SOC 217B: Chinese Politics and Society