Stanford-Vienna Exchange

Stanford-Vienna Exchange
The Stanford–Vienna Academic Exchange is an Autumn Quarter exchange program between MIP and the Vienna School of International Studies (DA). Two second-year students from each institution are selected by application to receive fellowships to spend autumn quarter on academic exchange at the other institution.
Studying at the Vienna School of International Studies
The DA is a postgraduate professional school dedicated to preparing talented graduates for international careers and positions of leadership in international affairs. Training areas encompass international relations, political science, international and EU law, economics, history and languages.
At the DA, MIP students will work with renowned European scholars and a diverse, vibrant group of students at one of Europe’s most highly regarded international studies institutions.
In particular, MIP students will have the opportunity to:
- Focus on European Union issues and policies
- Enroll in specialized courses and seminars led by prominent scholars with the goal of training students for careers in international organizations, public service, and international business
- Enroll in intensive German or French language study
MIP students enroll in a combination of advanced courses, language courses, and skills courses. The official course list for the autumn trimester at the DA will be available in late August−early September.
Additionally, MIP students will be eligible to enroll in any upper-division course at the DA for which they are qualified. With approval, MIP exchange students may also seek to perform directed research under the supervision of a DA faculty member.
Participating students must complete all requirements listed in the M.A. curriculum. However, the minimum number of Stanford units required to graduate will be reduced to 65. Thus, in addition to the 65 units completed at Stanford, MIP students must complete 15 or more units at the DA. Coterms, joint, or dual degree students must complete 54 units at Stanford University, not including coursework taken at the DA in Vienna.
Academic Advising
MIP students will meet with academic administration at the DA during orientation week to discuss course enrollment. Students will then send their proposed list of courses to the MIP Assistant Director for Academic and Student Affairs for approval. Enrollment will be available at the DA in late September−early October.
Enrollment Status
During the exchange quarter, the selected MIP students will maintain the status of "active but not enrolled" at Stanford, i.e., they cannot take courses through Stanford University. Students will receive official transcripts from the DA for Autumn Quarter. The exchange quarter at the DA will not be listed on students’ Stanford transcripts.
DA grades received by MIP students will not be factored into their Stanford GPAs. However, students will be required to maintain good academic standing and adhere to the Honor Code and Fundamental Standard.
Outbound MIP students receive a fellowship* for autumn that includes:
- Stanford tuition at the 11-18 unit rate
- Up to $1,500 for roundtrip airfare between San Francisco, CA, USA and Vienna, Austria
- Accommodations at the Vienna School of International Studies
- A $4,000 stipend for meals and other personal expenses
* MIP students who have Stanford or external funding, e.g., fellowship or scholarship, may receive an adjusted amount per the terms of the funding source and University policy.
Inbound DA students receive a fellowship for autumn that includes:
- Stanford tuition at the 11-18 unit rate
- Up to $1,500 for roundtrip airfare between Vienna, Austria and San Francisco, CA, USA
- A stipend* for accommodations**
- A $4,000 stipend* for meals and other personal expenses
* Per the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS), a stipend for living and incidental expenses, such as room and board, is taxable. The current rate is 14%. Students or scholars from countries that have a tax treaty with the U.S. that includes a scholarship/fellowship article may claim exemption or a reduction of tax withholding if they meet the requirements of the treaty. The student or scholar must, however, complete the required forms with the university's Tax Department.
** Depending on the type of accommodation, the housing stipend may be paid directly or included with the living stipend.
Students will be assigned private accommodation at the DA, centrally located in Vienna, and will have full access to all student resources including libraries, gyms, and social areas. Airfare must be booked via Stanford Travel.
Please visit the DA website to view the academic calendar.
Vienna Arrival Information
The arrival date for MIP students is generally around September 20, although students may be able to move into their rooms earlier in the month. Students must arrive prior to orientation and be available for all pre-class activities.
Note: Prior to orientation, most DA administration and faculty will be on vacation, so there will be limited activity on campus. However, students can leave luggage in their rooms and travel during this period if they wish.
Vienna Departure Information
The end of the autumn trimester aligns approximately with the end of autumn quarter at Stanford in mid-December. Students should plan for a return flight in mid-December. The return flight must be within the calendar year so students are not permitted to book a flight after December 31.
Airfare and Travel Planning
As previously noted, students must book airfare using Stanford Travel and with approval from MIP. Flight details should be coordinated with the MIP Program Coordinator.
Students should plan to use the Stanford Office of International Affairs website as a guide when preparing to study abroad. Please visit their website for a full student travel checklist, tools to assess travel risk and build your itinerary, etc.
Note: Multiple destination flights are generally not allowed and your summer internship location may factor into the flight details and maximum cost allowance.
Students who are enrolled in Stanford Cardinal Care will receive a 100% subsidy for autumn quarter.
For students who have Cardinal Care, Vaden Health Center suggests that they register with Health Net in advance of travel.
Note: Students who would prefer to use their own insurance or alternative coverage may opt out of Cardinal Care in Axess by September 15.
Please review the outbound student details for information on travel and visas, enrolling in courses, the academic calendar, etc. Additional information will be added as dates and timelines are confirmed for autumn.
Please review the Stanford-Vienna Inbound Student Information for details on travel and visas, enrolling in courses, the academic calendar, etc. Additional information will be added as dates and timelines are confirmed for autumn.

How to Apply
To be eligible, MIP students must have completed one full year of credit (45 units) by the start of the exchange in Autumn Quarter. Students must also be in good academic standing, both to apply and participate, and they must have no restrictions on spending the entire quarter in Vienna, Austria. Please see the University Bulletin for policies on academic standing.
Application deadline: Sunday, March 3, 2024
Notification email sent to applicants: No later than Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Deadline to commit to participate: Thursday, April 11, 2024
How to Apply
MIP students must submit an application via SOLO, which includes the following materials:
- Statement of Purpose
- As a header, list your full name, email address, area of specialization, and expected graduation quarter.
- The Statement of Purpose should be at least one page but no more than two full pages, double-spaced.
- Please explain your interest in the Vienna Exchange. Share any applicable background information and describe how spending a quarter in Vienna would further your academic and professional goals.
- Study Plan
- Using the same document as the Statement of Purpose, please list your study plan.
- Please review this year's course offerings at the Vienna School of International Studies and list 3-4 that fit your interests and/or specialization. The course list is found on the MAIS webpage (
- Include any required core or specialization courses you need to complete in autumn quarter that would require an exemption or replacement.
- Unofficial Stanford transcript
- Available via Axess
- Resume/Curriculum Vitae
- Funding Information
- Details on any fellowship or scholarship awarded for autumn quarter. This includes Stanford fellowships (e.g., FSI, Asia-Pacific, or Ford Dorsey fellowships) or any external funding (e.g., third-party or employer fellowships or scholarships).
Applications will be evaluated on academic performance, demonstrated interest in European studies, and alignment of academic and professional goals with the exchange program. Funding need will also be considered.