Required Courses
INTLPOL 268: Hack Lab: Introduction to Cybersecurity
INTLPOL 321: Fundamentals of Cyber Policy and Security
Approved Electives
Currently Offered (AY 2024-25)
CS 106A: Programming Methodology
CS 182: Ethics, Public Policy, and Technological Change
CS 221: Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques
INTLPOL 200: The Social & Economic Impact of Artificial Intelligence
INTLPOL 252: India in the Indo-Pacific (INTNLREL 152)
INTLPOL 256: Technology and National Security
INTLPOL 259: Research Topics in Technology and National Security
INTLPOL 259A: Research Seminar on Cybersecurity: Automotive Safety, Security, and Privacy
INTLPOL 260: Technology, Policy, and US-China Relations
INTLPOL 261: Current Topics in Technology Platform Policy
INTLPOL 262: Technology Policy Exchange
INTLPOL 265: AI, Autonomy, and the Future of Warfare
INTLPOL 267: Trust and Safety Engineering (approved beginning in Spring Quarter 2024)
INTLPOL 268D: Online Open Source Investigation
INTLPOL 340: Technology, Innovation and Great Power Competition
INTLPOL 362: Data: Privacy, Property and Security
INTLPOL 363: Confronting Misinformation Online: Law and Policy
LAW4051: Foundations of Internet Speech Platform Regulation
MS&E 297: "Hacking for Defense": Solving National Security issues with the Lean Launchpad
PUBLPOL 219: AI, Autonomy, and the Future of Warfare (INTLPOL 265, PUBLPOL 119)
Inactive Courses
COMM 157: Information Control in Authoritarian Regimes
COMM 220: The Rise of Digital Culture
COMM 258: Censorship and Propaganda
CS 181: Computers, Ethics, and Public Policy
CS 251: Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies
CS 352: Blockchain Governance
EARTHSYS 262: Data for Sustainable Development
INTLPOL 221: Politics of Data: Algorithmic Culture, Big Data, and Information Waste
INTLPOL 225: Technology Policy, Innovation, and Startup Ecosystems: Japan and Comparative Perspectives
INTLPOL 251: Cybersecurity: A Legal and Technical Perspective
INTLPOL 253: AI and Rule of Law: A Global Perspective
INTLPOL 257: Technology & Public Purpose: Practical Solutions for Innovation's Public Dilemmas
INTLPOL 258: Psychology, Influence, and Propaganda
INTLPOL 269: Cyber Law: International and Domestic Legal Frameworks for Cyber Policy
INTLPOL 323: Free Speech, Democracy and the Internet
INTLPOL 361: Foundations of Internet Speech Platform Regulation
INTLPOL 364: Governing Artificial Intelligence: Law, Policy, and Institutions
LAW 4039: Regulating Artificial Intelligence
LAW 4048: Regulating Internet Speech Platforms
LAW4057: Antitrust and the Challenges of Competition in Digital Markets
POLISCI 143C: The Politics of Internet Abuse
POLISCI 335C: Misinformation and Democracy: Past and Present