Hye Jin (Gene) Kim

Leading a diverse team spanning Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, India, and Jordan for an international airport development project in the Middle East, Gene bore witness to and personally endured the plight of exploited immigrants, widespread gender inequality, and the misallocation of resources. This profound experience ignited her resolve to actively contribute to the creation of a more just global society. Pursuing the Ford Dorsey Master’s in International Policy, she aims to cultivate the essential skills for inclusive international development and human rights policy.
Her expertise lies in spearheading development projects and adept program management. She places a strong emphasis on formulating practical solutions that take into account the unique cultural traits and specific circumstances of the local context. Moreover, she advocates for solutions that not only yield economic benefits for countries but also embody an inclusive Mahayanist approach that safeguards the well-being of all parties involved, without exploitation.
Upon joining South Korea's Incheon International Airport Corporation, she conducted thorough analyses of policy-driven infrastructure development and took the lead in establishing Asian hub projects for global corporations within the airport. Later, after her years for the operation of the Airport Security Committee at the Airport Council International in Hong Kong, she took charge of development endeavors both domestically and abroad, formulating and executing effective strategies.
Post-graduation, her aspiration is to contribute to inclusive international development by joining an international organization or NGO. Gene holds a B.A. in English Literature from Seoul National University. In her leisure time, she derives joy from immersing herself in stories gleaned from the people and places she encounters during her travels, indulging in free diving, and dancing to Latin rhythms.