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The new chair of the Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Task Force, Professor Beatriz Magaloni, discusses the group's final report, which makes recommendations on how to address the ways in which systemic racism manifests at Stanford and FSI.

The new Chair of REDI discusses the contents of the REDI report and what we can do now.

A message from REDI Task Force Chair, Beatriz Magaloni

Faculty members in Stanford’s political science department, and members of the department’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEI), offer their perspective on the recent attacks on their colleague Hakeem Jefferson.

The constant exercise of care and vigilance, moral courage and fortitude, consideration and sympathy are all required to address this bane on our history and society.

Since its creation in the summer of 2020, the Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Task Force has been addressing the ways in which systemic racism manifests at Stanford, at FSI and in the study of global affairs.