Pamella Eunice Ahairwe
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My goal of spending the summer of 2023 working in the Global South came to fruition, courtesy of the Environment for Development - Makerere University Centre (EfD - MaK), the  Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI), and the Stanford Sustainable Finance Initiative (SFI). Being on the ground in Uganda to work on green finance seemed the right call. I have spent four years in the Global North, primarily in the Netherlands and Luxembourg, working on European Union (EU) international economics issues, which included green finance. One of the biggest challenges I encountered was the conflict of interest between donors and the projects they prioritized and the beneficiaries and the projects they prioritized. In this aspect, disagreements about green financing were especially pronounced.

Pamella at a meeting

In my first year at Stanford, I participated in a series of learning, unlearning, and relearning experiences to understand better how to make economic decisions work well for both developed and developing countries. I was excited about a summer fellowship that would allow me to leverage my expertise from the Global North and newly acquired knowledge from Stanford to contribute toward addressing the economic development challenges of the Global South. Fortunately, the EfD - MaK Center in Uganda awarded me a fellowship opportunity, and with the funding of FSI and SFI, I was able to spend 12 weeks working in Uganda. Being in Uganda was not a novel experience for me. I was born and had previously worked there both as a development consultant and as a research assistant on different randomized controlled trial experiments.

Working in Uganda, however, and becoming immersed in the Global South perspective of green finance was new. My duties as a Visiting Fellow at EfD - MaK made the Fellowship an entirely unique and rewarding experience.

Working in Uganda, however, and becoming immersed in the Global South perspective of green finance was new. My duties as a Visiting Fellow at EfD - MaK made the Fellowship an entirely unique and rewarding experience. I conducted policy analysis on green finance, collaborated with stakeholders from the public sector, civil society, private sector, and academia, contributed to high-level policy dialogues, and took part in some of the ongoing projects on energy financing. This work gave me an understanding of the distinctive nature of the energy and climate environment in Uganda. Accomplishing development objectives, such as eliminating poverty and promoting prosperity for all, requires energy sources to be available. Ensuring essential levels of energy supply is also of mutual interest to donors and country beneficiaries.

In Uganda, green finance is particularly important in addressing the energy poverty problem and allowing the country to meet Uganda’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). UBOS- Uganda Bureau of Statistics’ 2018 National Electrification Survey shows that 66% of Ugandans are multidimensional energy poor, measured by access, cooking solutions, and end-use technology. In its NDCs, Uganda has pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, most of which are from agriculture, forestry, and other land use (AFOLU), by 24.7% before 2030. These commitments call for green financing approaches that promote access to clean and affordable energy for most Ugandans who are currently either underserved or unserved. Climate finance is essential to help vulnerable communities deal with the prevalent consequences of climate change. Uganda now faces a $28.1 billion climate financing gap and has been able to mobilize only $4 billion. Boosting green financing from all players, local or international, public, private, for-profit or not-for-profit, will help the country build climate resilience and adaptability and meet its broader green growth objectives, as specified under the NDCs.

Pamella with her colleagues

International donors have helped Uganda make some progress towards meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goal - SDG 7 - Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. The National Planning Authority reports that Uganda’s electricity access has increased from 24% in 2018/2019 to 57% in 2021/2022, and its grid reliability from 90% to 98%. However, a lot still needs to be done. Uganda’s biomass usage, primarily for household cooking, is still at 80% despite efforts to reduce it to 50%. Ugandan household emissions are estimated at 30 tons of carbon per year compared to five tons for the United Kingdom.

There are serious issues related to energy affordability. Uganda’s level of income inequality is high, with a Gini Index of 0.427.1 The Borgen Project reports that Uganda’s richest 10% receive 35.7% of the national wealth. In comparison, the poorest 20% receive only 5.8%. This indicates that a larger share of the population cannot afford clean energy. Even though policy dialogues sponsored by government officials have resulted in progress in reducing electricity costs, electricity remains unaffordable for many economically disadvantaged individuals.

This summer experience taught me that conditions within Uganda are similar to those of many countries of the Global South, particularly sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), that experience energy poverty. International Energy Centre (IEC) research has shown that the COVID-19 pandemic worsened energy poverty. IEC also projects that about 560 million people from SSA will still have no electricity access in 2030. My experience at EfD-Mak taught me that addressing country technical gaps and prioritizing green projects in planning, programming, and budgetary processes could enable countries to bridge the energy gaps.

It gave me a better understanding of the working environment in a developing country and elevated my grasp of several international development issues. I also acknowledge that countries are rarely the same, making it vital to gain direct exposure to the on the ground reality.

There is also a need to leverage the private sector, entrepreneurs, and financiers to invest in and contribute to Uganda’s green growth agenda. However, this necessitates that the government implement an enabling business climate to attract local and international players. Coordinated efforts are also essential to combat dependency on biomass, which increases greenhouse gas emissions and poses health risks to the populace. From the policy dialogues I participated in, ministries, departments, and agency officials emphasized the government’s commitment to reducing biomass usage. All players around the table, including the private sector, civil society, and communities themselves, must participate to accomplish biomass reduction.

Pamella at a meeting

Spending the summer in Uganda met my expectations for an on the ground experience. It gave me a better understanding of the working environment in a developing country and elevated my grasp of several international development issues. I also acknowledge that countries are rarely the same, making it vital to gain direct exposure to the on the ground reality instead of relying on studies and external generalizations.

By and large, I am very thankful to the EfD Director, Professor Edward Bbaale, for allowing me to work on these issues and for his invaluable mentorship. I also enjoyed working with a team of experts, which included Dr. Peter Babyenda, Mr. Fred Kasalirwe, Mr. Gyavira Ssewankambo, and Ms. Jane Anyango, to mention just a few. Above all, I am thankful to FSI and SFI at Stanford University, whose collaboration with EfD-Mak Uganda made my summer fellowship both a priceless experience and a great opportunity to be home again.

The Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy Class of 2024 at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.

Meet the MIP Class of 2024

The 2024 Class has arrived at Stanford eager to tackle policy challenges ranging from food security to cryptocurrency privacy.
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This summer, Pamella Eunice Ahairwe (Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy Class of 2024) , a passionate advocate for sustainable development, merged her expertise in international economics from the Global North with the Global South perspective of green finance as a Visiting Fellow at the Environment for Development - Makerere University Centre in Uganda, delving into the intricate policy world of addressing energy poverty and achieving sustainable development goals.

Heather Rahimi
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On November 15, 2023 Albert Park, Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), joined SIEPR, SCCEI, and the King Center for a timely discussion on China’s Economy and Asia’s Rise.

Dr. Park shared insights on the economic prospects for Asia and China, geopolitical fragmentation, and China’s regional importance. Beginning with Asia and China’s economic prospects, Dr. Park noted that Asia continues to be the most dynamic region in the world, however, within the region dynamism is shifting from China to other countries and China’s growth has dropped below the growth rate for the region at-large. He also highlighted how China’s weak property sector is contributing negatively to its growth, but despite the economic decline, the country is not close to a recession.

Dr. Park expanded on how Asia’s regional economic integration has continued to deepen and that there isn’t significant evidence of a shift away from China. Trade is fairly steady in Asia, and China’s role in global value chains has increased - making them even more important globally, despite talks of the U.S. decoupling from China. Dr. Park concluded his talk by emphasizing that forcing countries to decouple often hurts the less-powerful, poorer countries the most. He encouraged the U.S. and China to not force countries to choose sides, arguing that this will benefit the poorer countries and reduce global cost overall.

To hear Dr. Albert Park’s full talk, watch the recording here:

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Lessons of History: The rise and fall of technology in Chinese history event on Thursday, 9/28/23 at 4:30pm with MIT prof. Yasheng Huang.

Lessons of History: The Rise and Fall of Technology in Chinese History

MIT Professor Yasheng Huang joined SCCEI and Stanford Libraries to deliver a talk examining the factors behind the rise and the fall of Chinese historical technology and lessons for today’s China.
Lessons of History: The Rise and Fall of Technology in Chinese History
A busy train station in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China.

Common Prosperity Should Start Early

Dorien Emmers, former SCCEI Postdoc, and Scott Rozelle, SCCEI Co-Director, wrote a piece featured in China Daily and The China Story highlighting the challenges of inequality and a possible path towards common prosperity.
Common Prosperity Should Start Early
Two people shake hands behind US and China flags.

Scott Rozelle Joins Track Two Diplomacy Efforts on Scholarly Exchange between the United States and China

SCCEI Co-Director Scott Rozelle joined a select group of ten academics from the U.S. to participate in a Track Two diplomacy effort between the U.S. and China. Together, they traveled to Beijing where they met with 12 scholars from China to discuss the current state of scholarly exchange between the two countries, as well as strategies to improve it.
Scott Rozelle Joins Track Two Diplomacy Efforts on Scholarly Exchange between the United States and China
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On November 15, 2023 Albert Park, Chief Economist of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), joined SIEPR, SCCEI, and the King Center on campus for a timely discussion on China’s economy and Asia’s rise.

Maya Rosales
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Climate Change is the defining issue of our generation, and we are at a defining moment. From shifting weather patterns that threaten food production, to rising sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic flooding, the impacts of climate change are among the greatest threats to national and global security.

Energy accounts for two-thirds of total greenhouse gas, so the energy sector is the central player in efforts to reduce emissions and combat climate change. Thus, as national treasure Bill Nye put it, energy policy is climate policy. Mitigating the effects of climate change rests on the success of energy diplomacy and our ability to craft unprecedented global collaboration. Accordingly, the State Department's Bureau of Energy Resources work is vital not only to our energy security interests but also to realizing our ambitious goals toward a sustainable, low-emissions future.

The Bureau of Energy Resources (ENR) operates at the critical intersection between energy, climate, and U.S. national security and ensures U.S. leadership on global energy issues. ENR leads the Department of State's efforts to develop and execute international energy policy through diplomatic and programmatic engagement that promotes a low-emissions future, energy security for the United States and our allies and partners, and economic prosperity through sustainable, affordable, and reliable energy access.

State Department Interiors


I worked in the Office of Energy Diplomacy for Europe, Western Hemisphere, and Africa (EWA), which specifically works to advance energy security and decarbonization and leads Department engagement on energy related sanction actions in these regions.

I worked in the Office of Energy Diplomacy for Europe, Western Hemisphere, and Africa (EWA), which specifically works to advance energy security and decarbonization and leads Department engagement on energy related sanction actions in these regions. EWA seeks to increase bilateral and regional energy diplomacy to support U.S. foreign energy policy, namely the green energy transition. In executing energy diplomacy priorities, EWA emphasizes improving energy market access, enhancing energy security, and promoting decarbonization through clean and renewable energy sources and technologies.

During my internship, I undertook a range of responsibilities that helped me develop a comprehensive understanding of energy diplomacy and its role in shaping global energy dynamics and the U.S.'s role in leading the energy transition. As Critical Minerals (CM) play a vital role in clean energy technologies, much of my work centered on securing and promoting resilient supply chains. Notably, there were key bilateral efforts with Argentinian and Brazilian energy stakeholders on critical mineral supply chains, which required coordination and information sharing on new projects to increase their CM output. As part of my responsibilities, I researched geopolitical and economic factors influencing the region's role in global supply chains and opportunities for growth and increased cooperation. As part of this work, I acquired new insights into mining techniques, production, and applications of critical minerals and broadened my grasp of the global supply chain and the pivotal role these resources play in various industries. Additionally, I gained a new understanding of the potential of new technologies like low nickel-cobalt ion batteries and green hydrogen, particularly their transformative role in advancing the energy transition and achieving sustainable development goals.

Maya Rosales' placard as Energy Officer, Energy Resources Bureau, Department of State

I participated in a series of bilateral meetings with foreign counterparts, ranging from embassy officials to cabinet-level ministers. These interactions exposed me to the intricacies of international diplomacy, allowed me to witness the power of dialogue in forging alliances, and deepened my appreciation for the role of energy diplomacy in shaping a more secure and sustainable global energy landscape. Working at a functional bureau, I attended meetings with the Department of Energy, which exposed me to the inner workings of domestic energy policy formulation and implementation. I gained insights into how policy decisions translate into actions and how interagency collaboration contributes to effective energy governance.

My internship experience not only involved drafting important documents but also provided me with a variety of experiences and skills that have significantly contributed to my professional growth. The internship was a rewarding experience that allowed me to contribute to critical projects while deepening my understanding of energy diplomacy and its role on the global stage.

The papers I drafted, the exposure to high-level deliberations, engagement with key stakeholders, and the acquisition of diplomatic and technical skills expand my horizons and equip me to make meaningful contributions that will supplement my studies at Stanford. The knowledge gained during this internship will undoubtedly shape my future endeavors and commitment to advancing global energy security and sustainability.

Despite bureaucracy's (let's be real, sometimes fair) reputation, I was inspired by my department colleagues' bold leadership and tireless efforts. Amid an existential climate crisis and destructive war disrupting energy security, the hard and brilliant work of these public servants has left me optimistic about the future of our world. As global warming worsens, this office continues to shape and execute America's role in leading the global, renewable energy transition.

Maya Rosales under the flags in a conference room

While it is easy to become jaded and nihilistic working on such harrowing issues, they boldly continue the work necessary to combat climate change by ensuring sustainable, equitable, and reliable energy access for individuals around the world. I am so excited to join their ranks next year when I officially enter the foreign service and continue to meet and work with some of America's best and brightest.

While it is easy to become jaded and nihilistic working on such harrowing issues, they boldly continue the work necessary to combat climate change by ensuring sustainable, equitable, and reliable energy access for individuals around the world.
The Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy Class of 2024 at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.

Meet the MIP Class of 2024

The 2024 Class has arrived at Stanford eager to tackle policy challenges ranging from food security to cryptocurrency privacy.
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This summer, Maya Rosales (Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy Class of 2024) prepared for her pending career in the U.S. Foreign Service as a fellow in the U.S. Department of State's Office of Energy Diplomacy, working at the nexus of diplomacy and energy policy.

Sarah Brakebill-Hacke
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This past summer, I had the opportunity to live and work in the center of Berlin with the International Security and Development Center (ISDC).  My research focus for the past several years has been at the intersection of food insecurity and civil conflict.  I want to understand which country characteristics leave states vulnerable to civil conflict when food insecurity exists.  In the months leading up to summer, I decided to locate a researcher I have cited repeatedly in my work, Tilman Brück.  I learned that he founded a research institute in Berlin whose vision is to improve lives and livelihoods shaped by conflict and humanitarian emergencies. That vision perfectly aligns with my own research goals and career interests.  I emailed the ISDC and asked to spend the summer with them, and just a few months later, there I was, in a European cultural epicenter, Berlin. 

Not only did I enjoy a beautiful summer steeped in history in Berlin, but I also honed my research skills.  I learned how to conduct collaborative research and present it effectively.  I got to work closely with and under the supervision of the Welfare Program Director, Ghassan Baliki, on a food security project.  The project focused on households in conflict settings.  Ghassan Baliki and I worked on strategies to evaluate the data empirically.  By the end of the internship, I produced substantive research that I presented at an ISDC seminar.

Not only did I enjoy a beautiful summer steeped in history in Berlin, but I also honed my research skills. I learned how to conduct collaborative research and present it effectively.
Sarah in front of a mirror in a Berlin museum

A food-secure population is a necessary step in achieving sustainable peace.  My long-term goal is to shape food security literature and policy.  My next step towards this goal is to study for a Ph.D. and examine the effects of food insecurity on human populations, factoring in the consequences of climate change on food production.  The growing intensity of severe weather, floods, and droughts that destroy crop yields and cause the death of livestock undermine food security imperatives.  The research and presentation skills I learned at the ISDC will benefit me as I work toward my Ph.D.

ISDC Office Address

Beyond enhancing my research skills, I connected with leaders in the food insecurity field and observed how organizations function.  For example, our team had lunch with and engaged in a seminar discussion with Mike Robson, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN’s representative in Syria. I also built out my network of colleagues working towards a peaceful world.  I connected with people engaged in similar research across the globe - Tunisia, Lebanon, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Georgia.  Each colleague is dedicated to improving the lives of people who exist in the most difficult of circumstances throughout the world.  It was incredible to have the opportunity to work with people who are conscious and intensely committed to food security and peace.

I also learned about the difficulties of running an organization that focuses on making an impact.  While the research is essential, funding is crucial.  Stakeholders must make the necessary investments, which requires background research and discussions with partners and potential funders.  I gained insights into the complexities at the decision-making level in any organization.  It takes a team of specialists to run the various functions.  Research needs to be produced to address the needs in the world effectively; however, the research also has to be published and disseminated to policymakers and the public through appropriate channels and social media.  Given the variety of stakeholders that are essential for success when research outcomes are the final product, a network of relevant connections and strong partnerships are prerequisites.

I also learned about the difficulties of running an organization that focuses on making an impact. While the research is essential, funding is crucial.
City of Berlin

I am fortunate to have spent the summer learning and contributing at the ISDC and being integrated into such a beautiful city.  I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to do so.  It would not have been possible without the support of the MIP program at Stanford and the ISDC.  So, I want to thank both communities for being such fantastic partners in my development.  I also want to thank the entire ISDC community for making me feel like a part of the team.  From the picnic with the fun games and delicious foods to the all-hands-on-deck, paper-in-a-day project, you exemplify how great a work community can be and fill me with hope for a kinder and more just globe.

The Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy Class of 2024 at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.

Meet the MIP Class of 2024

The 2024 Class has arrived at Stanford eager to tackle policy challenges ranging from food security to cryptocurrency privacy.
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During the summer at the International Security and Development Center (ISDC), Sarah Brakebill-Hacke (Master's in International Policy '24) delved deeper into examining the relationship between food insecurity and civil conflicts and connected with renowned leaders in the food security domain from around the globe.

Scot Marciel
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This essay originally appeared in The Diplomat.

With major crises in Gaza and Ukraine, the Biden administration might be tempted to overlook the importance of Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s mid-November visit to Washington. That would be a mistake. Indonesia is an important country that is heading into crucial presidential elections in early 2024, and the results of Jokowi’s visit could go a long way to shaping the next Indonesian government’s attitudes toward its relations with the United States.

Although U.S.-Indonesian security cooperation is good and trade has grown, by all accounts Jokowi and his team are heading to Washington feeling less than satisfied on several fronts. First, Indonesians remain upset by President Joe Biden’s decision to skip the recent Indonesia-hosted East Asia Summit, which they took as a serious snub. Biden invited Jokowi in part to make up for that absence, but the White House might have underestimated the extent to which Indonesians remain upset over the initial affront. The protocol-conscious government no doubt will also contrast their modest White House schedule with the lavish welcome recently received by Australian Prime Minster Anthony Albanese.

Indonesian authorities also remain unhappy with what they see as Washington’s failure to deliver on the high-profile Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), under which the U.S. committed to lead G-7-plus efforts to mobilize $20 billion to support Indonesia’s accelerated transition from coal to cleaner energy. Indonesian officials have complained publicly for months that the U.S. has pressed them to take difficult steps while offering little in the way of concessional financing to pay for it. The reality is more complicated, but the perception in Jakarta that Washington “sold them a bill of goods” is real. Some Indonesian officials have contrasted that with substantial Chinese funding on priority infrastructure initiatives, highlighting the regional perception of U.S. weakness vis-à-vis China as a reliable economic partner. (The Indonesians have largely ignored the fact that the U.S. is their second-largest export market and has risen rapidly to be their fourth-largest source of foreign direct investment.)

Jokowi also is looking for Biden to move forward on a proposed limited free trade agreement under which Indonesian critical minerals (namely nickel and processed nickel) would meet the criteria for inclusion in the electric vehicle tax credits provided for in the Inflation Reduction Act. The Biden administration reportedly is interested in such a deal, which by promoting diversification of both suppliers for the U.S. and markets for Indonesia would be in the U.S. national interest. It has, however, hesitated to proceed due to concerns about the congressional reaction, environmental and labor issues, and heavy Chinese investment in Indonesian nickel mining.


Indonesia, home to the world’s largest Muslim population, has long supported the Palestinian cause and has vigorously pursued diplomatic efforts to achieve an immediate ceasefire… Indonesian public opinion has put the two governments at odds over the crisis.
Scot Marciel

Finally, one has to assume that the Gaza crisis will be at the top of Jokowi’s agenda (if not Biden’s) when the two presidents meet. Indonesia, home to the world’s largest Muslim population, has long supported the Palestinian cause and has vigorously pursued diplomatic efforts to achieve an immediate ceasefire. While working hard to keep the issue from blowing up domestically, there is no question but that Indonesian public opinion (and genuinely held beliefs among top officials) has put the two governments at odds over the crisis.

At this late date, there is little prospect of major initiatives coming out of the Biden-Jokowi meeting that would ease Indonesian concerns or generate significant positive momentum. There is, however, still time to make some small investments that could result in Jokowi and his team leaving Washington feeling more positive about the relationship.

First, on Gaza, the meeting will not resolve the two countries’ differences, but it is important that Biden listen to and engage with Jokowi seriously on the issue and that he highlights his efforts to encourage Israel to show restraint and to promote a humanitarian pause. Jokowi’s post-meeting public comments about this discussion likely will have a significant influence on the Indonesian public and media perceptions of the U.S. role, so it is critical that Biden do all he can to ensure those comments are positive.

Second, it is important that Biden understand that Jokowi and many Indonesians are still upset over the president’s decision to skip the recent Jakarta summit. Biden cannot undo that, but he can and should acknowledge it in his discussion with Jokowi and emphasize that he appreciates how important Indonesia is.

Even such moves will only go so far without some movement on JETP and the critical minerals trade question. On the former, there isn’t time to achieve major progress before the meeting, but President Biden should instruct his team to redouble their efforts to mobilize funding and get the initiative moving. This goes beyond Indonesian concerns and gets to the heart of regional wariness about Washington being able to put meat on the bones of its various economic initiatives.

On critical minerals, Biden should agree to send trade officials to Jakarta to discuss the outlines of a possible agreement, though he will have to be careful not to overcommit absent confidence he will be able to deliver. Indonesia, for its part, needs to stop rotating ambassadors through Washington so quickly and install an envoy who can effectively make the case for a limited trade deal to Congress and others.

Some serious, last-minute work needs to be done to ensure that next week’s meeting between the leaders of the world’s second and third-largest democracies does more than highlight the differences and problems in the relationship.

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President Joko Widodo and his team arrive in Washington at an uncertain time in U.S.-Indonesia relations.

Hamzah Daud
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A day after the end of spring quarter, I hopped on a flight to leave behind beautiful Bay Area weather, destined for the hot, humid wetlands we call our nation’s capital. I was to spend 12 weeks working at the Technology Lab of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (the Fed), the central bank of the United States. 

My first day was rather routine. I arrived a bit early and a bit overdressed. My supervisor, Bunmi, gave me my work laptop, a first-day tour, and my onboarding checklist. I was being paid to introduce myself repeatedly and fill out forms—quite an easy gig. But this is the nation’s central bank; they are going to get their money’s worth out of me. So, I was sitting in my office after lunch setting up my Federal Reserve gym membership when Bunmi walked in and asked me to come with her, Jill, the TechLab manager, and Jeff, a senior analyst, to a TechLab panel for the Federal Reserve System’s Innovation Office. Of course, let’s go. 

We got to the System Innovation Office’s onsite, and I was doing the introductions routine once again. I met Sunayna, a Stanford alum and, probably more importantly, the Chief System Innovation Officer, who introduced us to her team. After another round of introductions, I headed to the side to sit in the audience. Jill saw this and asked me to join the team on the panel. Why not? Well, I can think of a few reasons. Anyway, three hours into my first day, I was sitting on a panel in front of the entire Federal Reserve System Innovation Office explaining how I think machine learning can be applied to financial supervision and where I see the TechLab in five years. 

That first day set the pace for the next 11 weeks and four days.

I was to spend 12 weeks working at the Technology Lab of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors (the Fed), the central bank of the United States.

But first, a quick detour to some American history for context.

The Federal Reserve Board of Governors

The Federal Reserve System is the central bank of the United States. It was created by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 after a series of financial crises led to the desire for stable monetary policy. The System is similar to our broader federalist system of governance, with power distributed among multiple layers. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System—where I worked—is a federal government agency led by seven president-nominated and Senate-confirmed governors. Under the Board, 12 Federal Reserve Banks serve as the operational arms of the System. Each Reserve Bank is an independent private corporation, but all work closely with the Board to execute their policies. To promote the effective operation of the U.S. economy, the Federal Reserve is afforded autonomy and independence from the more political branches of government. While the Fed certainly coordinates and receives guidance from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, it is generally empowered to make independent monetary and regulatory policies.

Fast forward 110 years. The Federal Reserve’s mission has expanded since its inception and now covers (1) setting monetary policy, (2) ensuring financial stability, (3) supervision and regulation of banks, (4) fostering a safe payments ecosystem, and (5) consumer protection. As part of this mission, the Federal Reserve has a large group of economists who produce research to inform policymakers as they steer the world’s largest economy. However, the economy and the financial system that supports it are being transformed by technological advancement. And while the Fed has a breadth and depth of economics expertise, it does not have the same technical expertise. So, to ensure that the governors receive informed, impartial technical research before making decisions, the Fed has set up multiple teams to focus on emerging technology. Three years ago, the Board created the Technology Lab to conduct research and experimentation with emerging technologies relevant to the financial system.

The Technology Lab changes its research agenda every year. It began by researching distributed ledger technology, central bank digital currencies, and has a new set of projects this year. The core team is five members strong, with over a dozen rotators from across the System who join the TechLab to lend their subject matter expertise on a specific project. 

I was assigned to work on two projects, and while I cannot discuss the specifics of my work, it comprised 60% writing and 40% software development and data analysis. Because the TechLab is relatively small and new, I effectively worked as a core team analyst leading sub-parts of the two projects. Hopefully, in the coming months, the Fed will publish the work, and I will be able to share more then. Beyond the core research and experimentation work, I also helped moderate the TechLab’s weekly series, where we invited subject matter experts from academia, the private sector, and the government.

Other highlights during my time at the Fed included representing the Board of Governors at a nationwide Federal Reserve System showcase in front of 250 people. I also got to sit next to Chairman Jerome Powell, ask him questions at an intern event, and meet now-Vice Chair Philip Jefferson at another event.

Working at the Fed this summer was an absolute pleasure and incredibly fulfilling—it made me genuinely excited about public service.
close up of a Bureau of Engraving and Printing, "escort required" badge

The summer also included several highlights outside the workplace. I celebrated the Fourth of July at the White House. I attended a piano and violin concert at the French Embassy. I went on an exclusive Fed-only tour of the dollar printing facility of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. I got to see the dollar printing machines up close, smudge a few in-production hundred-dollar bills, and hold 40 pounds of cash in one hand.

Working at the Fed this summer was an absolute pleasure and incredibly fulfilling—it made me genuinely excited about public service. I want to thank Amber, Bunmi, Cy, Jeff, Jill, Jochen, Laila, Lucas, Megan, and Monique from the TechLab team. I also want to thank Karley and Laura from the Talent Acquisition team, who guided me through the recruitment process and supported me throughout the internship. And lastly, I want to thank Sonja, Sunayna, and Susan at the officer level, who met with me to chat about the Fed, financial innovation, and career options. There are many more people who I cannot list here because of a word count limit, but I appreciate all of you. It was a genuinely wonderful summer.

The Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy Class of 2024 at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.

Meet the MIP Class of 2024

The 2024 Class has arrived at Stanford eager to tackle policy challenges ranging from food security to cryptocurrency privacy.
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During the summer at the Federal Reserve, Hamzah Daud (Master's in International Policy '24) furthered his understanding of the interplay between technology and central banking, contributing to cutting edge researches that evaluate the application of emerging technologies in the everyday financial system.

Flyer for the seminar "The Future of Multilateral Institutions in the Era of Great Power Competition"

As part of Stanford's Asia Pacific Research Center (APARC) event series focused on APEC 2023, the China Program is pleased to present the concluding session, 'The Future of Multilateral Institutions in the Era of Great Power Competition.' We invite you to join us for this session, where we will delve into how the U.S., China, and other APEC members are adapting and evolving their strategies for engaging within international organizations. We’ll also cast a spotlight on the outcomes of APEC 2023 and their implications for understanding how multilateral institutions are adjusting to the challenges of an era marked by geopolitical rivalry.

This event is part of the series Exploring APEC’s Role in Facilitating Regional Cooperation.

Matthew Goodman

Matthew P. Goodman is distinguished fellow for global economic policy and director of the Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He leads a cross-cutting program on global economics at CFR that works to develop new approaches to trade and other international economic policies. Prior to joining CFR in September 2023, Goodman was senior vice president for economics and Simon chair in political economy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). From 2010 to 2012, he served as director for international economics on the National Security Council staff, helping the U.S. president prepare for global and regional summits, including for the Group of 20, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), and East Asia Summit. Prior to serving in the White House, he was senior advisor to the undersecretary for economic affairs at the U.S. Department of State. Before joining the Barack Obama administration in 2009, Goodman worked for five years at Albright Stonebridge Group, where he was managing director for Asia. From 2002 to 2004, he served at the White House as director for Asian economic affairs on the National Security Council staff. Prior to that, he spent five years at Goldman Sachs, heading the bank’s government affairs operations in Tokyo and London. From 1988 to 1997, he worked as an international economist at the U.S. Treasury Department, including five years as financial attaché at the U.S. embassy in Tokyo. Goodman holds a BSc in economics from the London School of Economics and an MA in international relations from the Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies.

Michael McFaul

Michael McFaul is Director at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, the Ken Olivier and Angela Nomellini Professor of International Studies in the Department of Political Science, and the Peter and Helen Bing Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. He joined the Stanford faculty in 1995. Dr. McFaul also is as an International Affairs Analyst for NBC News and a columnist for The Washington Post. He served for five years in the Obama administration, first as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Russian and Eurasian Affairs at the National Security Council at the White House (2009-2012), and then as U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation (2012-2014). He has authored several books, most recently the New York Times bestseller From Cold War to Hot Peace: An American Ambassador in Putin’s Russia. Earlier books include Advancing Democracy Abroad: Why We Should, How We Can; Transitions To Democracy: A Comparative Perspective (eds. with Kathryn Stoner); Power and Purpose: American Policy toward Russia after the Cold War (with James Goldgeier); and Russia’s Unfinished Revolution: Political Change from Gorbachev to Putin. His current research interests include American foreign policy, great power relations, and the relationship between democracy and development. Dr. McFaul was born and raised in Montana. He received his B.A. in International Relations and Slavic Languages and his M.A. in Soviet and East European Studies from Stanford University in 1986. As a Rhodes Scholar, he completed his D. Phil. in International Relations at Oxford University in 1991.

Laura Stone, China Policy Fellow

Laura Stone, a member of the US Department of State, is the Inaugural China Policy Fellow for the 2022-2023 academic year at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (Shorenstein APARC).  She was formerly Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Maldives, the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for China and Mongolia, the Director of the Office of Chinese and Mongolian Affairs, and the Director of the Economic Policy Office in the Bureau of East Asia and Pacific Affairs. She served in Beijing, Bangkok, Tokyo, the Public Affairs Bureau, the Pentagon Office of the Secretary of Defense, and the Bureau of Intelligence and Research. While at APARC, she is conducting research with the China Program on contemporary China affairs and U.S.-China policy.

Laura Stone
Matthew Goodman, Michael McFaul
Panel Discussions
Michael Breger
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Since its formation in 1989, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) has functioned as a platform for economic engagement and cooperation across the Pacific Rim. The forum, which expanded to include 21 member economies, emerged following the success of other regional trade blocs, aiming to draw upon the increasing level of interdependence of Asia-Pacific economies to make progress on multiple member-defined priorities. Traditionally trade-focused, APEC has expanded its cooperation to other areas such as human resources, marine conservation, and public health.

On October 6, 2023, Shorenstein APARC kicked off its fall 2023 seminar series, Exploring APEC’s Role in Facilitating Regional Cooperation, to accompany APEC’s upcoming convening in San Francisco on the week of November 12. Meetings between the member economies will cover trade, innovation and digitalization, energy, and other related issues, with a special emphasis on fostering sustainable economic growth and prosperity across the region.

The first event in the series, APEC’s Role in the Evolving Asia-Pacific Order, featured panelists Aida Safinaz Allias, the minister for economic affairs at the Embassy of Malaysia to the United States and a former APEC senior official for Malaysia; Ambassador Kurt Tong, a managing partner at The Asia Group, former U.S. Ambassador for APEC, and former U.S. consul general and chief of mission in Hong Kong and Macau; and moderator Michael Beeman, a visiting scholar at APARC and former assistant U.S. trade representative for Japan, Korea, and APEC at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.

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Beeman opened the session by acknowledging that “these are very complicated and often tense times in the Asia-Pacific region.” APEC has been charged with being a facilitator for economic cooperation in the region and “current challenges in the region have impacted and, in many ways, limited the ambition that APEC held at its inception,” said Beeman.

Beeman recognized that there are many who question the value of multilateral groupings like APEC, but said that “APEC is in its 34th year and the level of activity and work in APEC going on under the surface is as high as it's ever been…although it has faded from public attention, it is still valued by its members and there are hundreds of meetings going on every year in APEC, with thousands of participants joining.”

APEC has bent but not broken, which is an important attribute in this day and time, and it may be more valuable today in the current environment.
Michael Beeman
Visiting Scholar, APARC

Throughout the session, participants examined the extent to which APEC still has value in the region, can still shape the region and its future, and whether APEC is “worse for wear.” The panelists investigated the degree to which the forum remains a flexible way of maintaining cohesion on economic cooperation and setting an agenda while promoting ongoing engagement “under the surface.” For Beeman, APEC still maintains its usefulness because of its flexibility, and “in many ways, APEC has bent but not broken, which is an important attribute in this day and time, and it may be more valuable today in the current environment.”

Speaking from her experience as a former APEC official, Aida Safinaz Allias outlined the relevance of APEC over the years and its distinct mechanisms that separate it from other multilateral groupings. Allias discussed the unique elements of APEC’s mission and its voluntary, non-binding, and consensus-building principles.

Allias referenced the three pillars of APEC's agenda: Trade and investment liberalization, business facilitation, and economic and technical cooperation. “APEC’s three pillars are very important for a country like Malaysia because it balances out things like liberalizing trade and investment, but it also builds [Malaysia’s] capacity to work out its own issues further…It's not just liberalizing the digital regime but upgrading skills and infrastructure in many parts of the Pacific.”

In 2020, during the height of the COVID pandemic, Malaysia hosted APEC and members agreed upon the tenets of a new 20-year plan, Putrajaya Vision 2040. Allias outlined the initiative to establish an open, dynamic, resilient, and peaceful Asia-Pacific community by 2040. The Vision is predicated upon the goals of driving trade and investment to ensure that the Asia-Pacific remains a dynamic and interconnected regional economy driven by innovation and digitalization to empower people and businesses and promote sustainable and inclusive growth to increase resilience to shocks, crises, and pandemics.

Ambassador Kurt Tong further elaborated on some of the prevailing challenges facing APEC member economies and forecasted that such challenges would dominate the upcoming forum discussions in San Francisco. First and foremost, according to Tong, is the issue of global supply chain resilience, which “is not really a liberalization issue but rather an information issue.” Tong questioned whether solutions to global supply chain interruptions might be found and made useful through coordination between economies at the upcoming APEC convenings.

Tong also listed green growth as a top priority for member nations and asked, “Can APEC capture the desire of every economy to have less of an environmental impact while still growing rapidly?” He indicated that the primary impediment to energy transformation is the question of “who's going to pay for it, and can APEC make a contribution?” Tong listed other pressing issues including the mobility of people between economies, educational coordination, and cooperation between economies in the digital age.

The participants agreed that APEC still has an important role to play in bridging the divide between different constituent groups in the Asia-Pacific and directing economic policy that may lead to genuine public-private cooperation across boundaries, not just within economies but across economies. For Ambassador Tong, “APEC is well organized to accomplish that kind of discussion… [which is] very important if you want to try and drive things forward.”

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Ahead of the 2023 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) convening in San Francisco, APARC kicked off its fall seminar series, Exploring APEC’s Role in Facilitating Regional Cooperation, with a panel discussion that examined APEC’s role and continued relevance in a rapidly-evolving Asia-Pacific region.

Raúl Ruiz-Solís
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A year ago, as I left the historic surroundings of Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. to join the Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy (MIP) at Stanford, one of my many objectives was to diversify my professional toolkit and improve my leadership skills. I have come to understand that the nature of many challenges today, particularly in the field of technology amid growing rates of global interconnection, innovation, and digitalization, requires much richer, diverse, and coordinated approaches. The leaders of today must strive to find fortitude in diversity and cooperation. 

In pursuing this objective, over the summer I interned for the Security and Intelligence Team at Duco Experts, a technology start-up headquartered in San Francisco. After five years of public service work, this represented a unique opportunity to learn the intricacies of entrepreneurship from the inside. 

Led by its inspiring CEO, Sidney Olinyk, and an elite team of young professionals, Duco works across the topics of artificial intelligence (AI), trust and safety, cybersecurity, elections, and geopolitical risk. Through its innovative advisory services, Duco supports a considerable pool of Fortune 100 companies, including some of the largest U.S. technology companies. 

The breadth of activities I carried out during my internship gave me exposure to the intersection of security and technology policy, as well as a deeper understanding of the complex decisions faced by corporate executives at major U.S. technology companies. 

I interned for the Security and Intelligence Team at Duco Experts, a technology start-up headquartered in San Francisco. After five years of public service work, this represented a unique opportunity to learn the intricacies of entrepreneurship from the inside.

In retrospect, there are three main lessons I learned during my time at Duco:

Finding Fortitude in Diversity and Cooperation

Report cover page: Scaling Trust on the Web

One of the first experiences I had at Duco was supporting an event with different allies and stakeholders from the technology community in San Francisco and D.C. to showcase the launch of the report, Scaling Trust on the Web. Duco Experts contributed to the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) Task Force for a Trustworthy Future Web and this event allowed me to interact with experts in the field of Trust and Safety, connect with former MIP students now working in industry, and experience first-hand how coordinated and collaborative approaches can result in innovative solutions to issues as complex as the ones faced in the cyber domain. 

The report summarizes the task force's recommendations for specific, actionable interventions that could catalyze safer, more trustworthy online spaces. And most importantly, the report reinvigorates the rationale of cooperation in cyberspace, as it highlights, for example, the role of academia, media, and civil society to help build better online spaces. I am convinced that these recommendations will have a long-lasting effect and will serve as a guide for many actors globally. 

Mapping Technological Risk Worldwide

In my role supporting the Manager for Security and Intelligence at Duco, I had the opportunity to conduct research and produce alerts relevant to major U.S. technology companies. I analyzed the implications for such companies of China's revised Counter Espionage Law, mapped the data and privacy risks posed by fake web browser extensions and the shortcomings of automatic vetting processes, detailed the risks of internet censorship and restrictions in Russia, and investigated how marketing scammers target children online. Furthermore, I gained valuable insights into timely debates in the field of generative AI technologies and challenges faced by content moderation teams when tackling CSAM online. 

During my time on the Security and Intelligence Team, I had the opportunity to work in their cybersecurity portfolio, understand the logic of business development and vertical markets, and support the delivery of high quality projects for clients, a novel experience for me. The last project I supported allowed me to widen my knowledge of cybersecurity research centers worldwide and interact with consultants, academics, and former industry experts to address clients' needs. 

Thinking Like a CEO

One of the biggest lessons I learned during my internship, a mantra I will carry with me wherever I go, came from Duco's CEO herself, Sidney Olinyk, who constantly reminded us during team meetings to: "be adaptable, be comfortable with rejection, and always think like a CEO."

My time at Duco Experts showed me the importance of flexibility and adaptability, particularly when attempting to tackle challenges related to emerging technologies. From generative AI to developments in quantum computing, the ever-evolving innovation landscape requires professionals who can lead with flexibility, humanity, and who are not afraid to redirect efforts when necessary. 

As I seek to make my way into the field of technology policy and I continue my efforts to bring unrepresented voices to the forefront of technology-related debates across the Americas, my summer experience at Duco Experts has equipped me with a valuable understanding of the start-up ecosystem in San Francisco, as well as some of the most pressing areas of opportunity in the field of cybersecurity and emerging technologies. 

From generative AI to developments in quantum computing, the ever-evolving innovation landscape requires professionals who can lead with flexibility, humanity, and who are not afraid to redirect efforts when necessary.

My sincere gratitude to Sidney Olinyk, Neema Basri, Lauren LaBrique, Sofia Arimany and all the members of the Duco Experts team for sharing their knowledge and for leading with such humane and passionate effectiveness. 

The Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy Class of 2024 at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.

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Interning at Duco Experts, Raúl Ruiz-Solís (Master's in International Policy '24) gained an understanding of the start-up ecosystem in San Francisco, as well as some of the most pressing areas of opportunity in the field of cybersecurity and emerging technologies.

Flyer for the seminar "Asia-Pacific Energy Challenges and the Role of APEC," part of APARC fall 2023 series "Exploring APEC’s Role in Facilitating Regional Cooperation"

This event is part of the series Exploring APEC’s Role in Facilitating Regional Cooperation.

Energy is essential for economic development, but energy use is a major contributor to global warming.  Most can agree that transition from fossil fuels to sustainable (green) energy is imperative for long-term sustainability, but how to make that transition while maintaining and increasing growth and prosperity is not self-evident.  This panel will examine energy challenges in general, how they play out and are perceived in the APEC region, and how APEC has attempted to find cooperative solutions.


Larry Goulder

Larry Goulder, Professor in Environmental and Resource Economics, Director of the Stanford Center for Environmental and Energy Policy Analysis, Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, Senior Fellow at Stanford’s Precourt Institute for the Environment, Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research; and a University Fellow of Resources of the Future

Lawrence H. Goulder is the Shuzo Nishihara Professor in Environmental and Resource Economics at Stanford University and Director of the Stanford Center for Environmental and Energy Policy Analysis. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, a Senior Fellow at Stanford's Precourt Institute for the Environment, a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research; and a University Fellow of Resources for the Future. Goulder's research covers a range of environmental issues, including green tax reform, the design of environmental tax systems and emissions trading policies, climate change policy, and comprehensive wealth measurement ("green" accounting). He has served on several advisory committees to the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Advisory Board and the California Air Resources Board, and as co-editor of the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management and the Review of Environmental Economics and Policy.

Larry Greenwood

Larry Greenwood, Chairman of the Board of the Japan Society of Northern California, Senior Adviser at BowerGroupAsia, US Ambassador to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation group from 2000-2003

Larry Greenwood is Senior Adviser at BowerGroupAsia, a strategic advisory firm that specializes in the Asia-Pacific.  He is also Chair of the Japan Society of Northern California after serving as its President from 2016-2020.  From 2011-2015, Larry was Senior Managing Director for Government Relations in Asia for MetLife based in Tokyo responsible for shaping insurance policies and regulations in Asia and from 2006-2011 was Vice President at the Asian Development Bank in Manila, Philippines where he oversaw ADB’s annual loan and grant operations of about $7 billion in East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific Island countries. 

Larry was a career diplomat from 1976-2006 where he worked on economic issues in the State Department in Washington, DC and at US Embassies in Manila, Dakar, Singapore and twice in Tokyo.  He served as US Ambassador to the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation group and retired as Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Economic Bureau of the State Department where he was responsible for international financial and development matters. He holds a BA from Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida and an MALD from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in Medford Massachusetts.  He speaks and reads Japanese and French.

Gita Wirjawan

Gita Wirjawan, Former Minister of Trade and former Chairman of the Investment Coordinating Board of the Republic of Indonesia, Founder of Ancora Group and Ancora Foundation, Visiting Scholar at Shorenstein APARC

Gita Wirjawan is a visiting scholar at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia Pacific Research Center, Freeman Spogli Institute, Stanford University. He is the host of a Southeast Asia educational podcast called Endgame, a member of the Board of Governors of the Asia School of Business (MIT Sloan), a member of the international council of the Yale School of Management, and chairman of the Advisory Board of the School of Government and Public Policy (SGPP) Indonesia. While as chairman of Ancora Group, a business group based in Indonesia, he is also a partner at Ikhlas Capital, a Singapore-based Southeast Asia private equity fund. He is also an adviser to a number of Southeast Asia-based venture capital firms, including Alpha JWC Ventures, Monk's Hill Ventures, Jungle Ventures, and Intudo Ventures. He is also a member of the International Advisory Board of Chubb. Previously, he was trade minister and chairman of the Investment Coordinating Board of the Republic of Indonesia during the years 2009–2014, a banker at JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Citibank, and a public accountant. He received his MPA at Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, MBA at Baylor University, and BBA at the University of Texas, Austin.


Thomas Fingar

Thomas Fingar, Fellow at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center at Stanford University, former U.S. Department of State Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Analysis, Director of the Office of Analysis for East Asia and the Pacific, and Chief of the China Division, former Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Analysis, and Chairman of the National Intelligence Council

Thomas Fingar is a Shorenstein APARC Fellow in the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University. From 2005 through 2008, he served as the first Deputy Director of National Intelligence for Analysis and, concurrently, as Chairman of the National Intelligence Council. Previous positions include Assistant Secretary of the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research (2000-2001 and 2004-2005), Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (2001-2003), and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Analysis (1994-2000). Dr. Fingar is a graduate of Cornell University (A.B. in Government and History, 1968), and Stanford University (M.A., 1969 and Ph.D., 1977 both in Political Science).  Recent books include Reducing Uncertainty:  Intelligence Analysis and National Security (Stanford University Press, 2011), Fateful Decisions: Choices that will Shape China’s Future (edited with Jean Oi, Stanford, 2020); and From Mandate to Blueprint: Lessons from Intelligence Reform (Stanford University Press, 2021).

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Thomas Fingar
Thomas Fingar
Larry Goulder, Larry Greenwood, Gita Wirjawan
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