Stefano Ermon

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Stefano Ermon


Stefano is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University, an affiliate with the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and a fellow of the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment. His research is centered on techniques for scalable and accurate inference in graphical models, statistical modeling of data, large-scale combinatorial optimization, and robust decision making under uncertainty, and is motivated by a range of applications, in particular ones in the emerging field of computational sustainability. 



Working Papers
February 2019

Mapping Missing Population in Rural India: A Deep Learning Approach with Satellite Imagery

Mapping Missing Population in Rural India: A Deep Learning Approach with Satellite Imagery
Working Papers
June 2018

Deep Transfer Learning for Crop Yield Prediction with Remote Sensing Data

Deep Transfer Learning for Crop Yield Prediction with Remote Sensing Data
Working Papers
August 2017

Monitoring Ethiopian Wheat Fungus with Satellite Imagery and Deep Feature Learning

Monitoring Ethiopian Wheat Fungus with Satellite Imagery and Deep Feature Learning