Peter Pirker

Peter Pirker
- Visiting Scholar, The Europe Center
Encina Hall
616 Serra Street
Stanford, CA 94305-6165
Peter Pirker holds a PhD in history and a MA in Political Science from the University of Vienna. He is lecturer at the Department of Goverment, University of Vienna and the Department of History at the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt. From 2014 to 2016 he will be co-principal investigator of the project Politics of remembrance and the transition of public spaces. A political and social analysis of Vienna, 1995-2015 at the University of Vienna. In 2012 he was Visiting Fellow at the School of Advanced Study, University of London. His research interests include transnational resistance, intelligence and exile during National Socialism, post-war Central Europe, politics of history. Currently he is working on the project Democratic Resistance which investigates the journalistic, intelligence and political activities of the Anglo-American correspondent G.E.R. Gedye in Central Europe from 1925 to 1960.
He has published four monographs, among them Subversion deutscher Herrschaft. Der britische Kriegsgeheimdienst SOE und Österreich (Vienna University Press, 2012), Ich war mit Freuden dabei. Der KZ-Arzt Sigbert Ramsauer (with Lisa Rettl, Milena, 2010) and co-edited six volumes on regional and local National Socialist rule in Austria, biographies of victims of Nazism, Wehrmacht deserters, exiles and members of the resistance, most recently Wehrmachtsjustiz. Kontext, Praxis, Nachwirkungen (Braumüller Verlag, 2011).