Ho Ki Kim
Ho Ki Kim
- Visiting Scholar at APARC
- Koret Fellow, 2021-2022
- Fall 2021
Shorenstein APARC
Stanford University
Encina Hall E301,
Stanford CA 94305-6055
Ho Ki Kim joined the Korea Program at APARC as the 2021 Koret Fellow. Kim is a professor of sociology at Yonsei University in Korea. He received a Ph.D. from Bielefeld University in Germany.
Professor Kim is the author of Contemporary Capitalism and Korean Society (in Korean, 1995), Modernity and Social Change in Korea (in Korean, 1999), Reflections on the Civil Society in Korea (in Korean, 2007), Zeitgesit and Intellectuals (in Korean, 2012), Adventures of Intellectuals in Modern Korea (in Korean, 2020), and "Change of Ideological Terrain and Political Consciousness in South Korea" (2005). His research interests include political sociology and modern social theories. During his stay at Stanford, Professor Kim will conduct research on democracy in Korea.