Alice Underwood


Alice E.M. Underwood is a Research Scholar at the Project on Russian Power and Purpose in the 21st Century, housed within the Center on International Security and Cooperation. She completed her Ph.D. at Stanford University in the Department of Comparative Literature in 2019. Her dissertation, “Citizens of the Future, Subjects of the Past: Civic Identity and Aesthetic Deviance in Late-Soviet and Contemporary Russia,” works at the intersection of cultural and political studies to trace historical continuities in the Kremlin’s exploitation of citizenship as a legal and cultural tool for manipulating its subjects, alongside artists’ reclamation of civic identity through dissident practices. She was a Pre-Doctoral Fellow at the Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law; a Title VIII Fellow at the Kennan Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; and a Stanford Weiland Fellow. She has an A.B. from Harvard University in Slavic Literatures and Cultures.