Xiaowen Zhang

Xiaowen Zhang, MA, PhD
- 2011 Visiting Scholar
Shorenstein APARC
Stanford University
Encina Hall C332
Stanford, CA 94305-6055
Dr. Xiaowen Zhang is a visiting scholar from the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), China. During his stay, he will conduct a comparative study on enterprises restructuring funds between China and the United States.
Dr. Zhang is currently the director of the Department of Enterprise, in the Institute of Economic System and Management at NDRC, People's Republic of China. He is in charge of completing various studies involving national economic reforming for China. Dr. Zhang's main fields of interests include the reforming of national-owned enterprises, and relative policy studies in China. He latest research involves projects on the strategic adjusting and restructuring of China's economic industrial structure.
Dr. Zhang received a Ph.D in Management from Haerbin Industry University. He is a graduate of Education Management Science and Engineering from Beijing College of Machine Industry and Management. He holds a B.S. in Metal Material from Jilin
Industry University.
Recent Publications:
Dr. Zhang has published more than 80 papers on various major economic and management academic journals in China. Three recent academic works are as follows:
Xiaowen Zhang, Haichao Li, Jianmei Wang, System innovating and Competitiveness, Enterprise Management Publishing Company,March,2010, first Edition.
Qingrui Xu, Zhong Chen, Jin Chen,Xiaoqing Zhao, Xiaowen Zhang, the basic law and pattern of operation and management of china national -owned Enterprises, Publishing Company of Zhejiang University, May,2001, first Edition.
Shuren Liu, Jiuda Zhang, Xiaowen Zhang, The quantitative evaluating of vitality for china enterprises, Publishing Company of China International Broadcasting, 1995, first Edition.