Asian Liver Center holds inaugural health summit at SCPKU
Asian Liver Center holds inaugural health summit at SCPKU

Stanford University's Asian Liver Center (ALC) and the Global Business Group on Health jointly hosted the inaugural JoinJade for China Summit and Awards Ceremony at SCPKU on April 22, 2016. 29 major employers committed to a hepatitis B discrimination-free work environment were recognized at the event. Lenovo, General Electric and IBM also participated in an employer panel to discuss key strategies for a discrimination-free work environment and next steps.

JoinJade for China is a joint initiative involving global organizations including the ALC in the U.S. and China, Global Business Group on Health, IBM, General Electric, Intel, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and HP Inc. The initiative focuses on building fully inclusive workplaces free from hepatitis B discrimination.

The ALC at Stanford University is the first non-profit organization in the U.S. that addresses the disproportionately high rates of chronic hepatitis B infection and liver cancer in Asians and Asian Americans. Founded in 1996, the center addresses the gap in the fight against hepatitis B through a four-pronged approach of collaboration, advocacy, research, and education and outreach (CARE). The ultimate goal of the ALC is to eliminate the transmission and stigma of hepatitis B and reduce deaths from liver cancer and liver disease caused by chronic hepatitis B.
Photos courtesy of Stanford University's Asian Liver Center