Cloud Governance Challenges
Cloud Governance Challenges
Tuesday, January 11, 202212:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Pacific)

Join us for our winter seminar series starting Tuesday, January 11 from 12 PM - 1 PM PST. The first in the session is Cloud Governance Challenges and features leaders from the Carnegie Endowment’s Cloud Governance Project and Marietje Schaake of the Stanford Cyber Policy Center, in conversation with Kelly Born of the Hewlett Foundation. This weekly seminar series is jointly organized by the Cyber Policy Center’s Program on Democracy and the Internet and the Hewlett Foundation’s Cyber Initiative.
Central to the ongoing digital transformation is the growth of cloud computing, which is enabling remarkable gains in efficiency, innovation, and connectivity around the world. However, the cloud also accentuates many preexisting digital policy challenges and brings to the fore new ones. It increases the consequences of disruption resulting from cyberattacks and natural disasters, and raises the stakes associated with ensuring equitable access to the digital environment. It also creates some new challenges associated with the concentration of the cloud market in the hands of a few hyperscale providers. Left to their own devices, cloud providers lack the incentives to comprehensively address these issues, and governments’ ability to fill the gap is being challenged by the pace of the developments in the cloud technology landscape. To promote more coherent and effective governance of the cloud, concerned players must recognize the challenges, interconnections, and policy tradeoffs across issue areas. They will need to apply a combination of regulation, self-regulation, and industry standards, while balancing competing private, national, and international interests.
Kelly Born, Director, Cyber Initiative, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Ariel Eli Levite, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Vishnu Kannan, Special Assistant to the President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Marietje Schaake, International Policy Director, Cyber Policy Center