Pregnant in the Jungle: Gendering Resistance in the Malayan Emergency
The Malayan Emergency (1948-1960) is perhaps most famous for Sir Gerald Walter Robert Templer’s famous phrase about the need to win the “hearts and minds” of civilians to defeat a communist insurgency. Less examined is how gender was a central prism through which military officials hoped to achieve their aims. For example, British officials produced one Chinese-language propaganda cartoon that warned communist women of the dangers of giving birth in the jungle. It depicted a pregnant woman laying on bamboo in pain, surrounded by angry-faced men in uniform. Once the men informed a British official about their position, she got airlifted out by helicopter and enjoyed a comfortable hospital bed under the attentive care of a smiling woman. This optimistic depiction of becoming a British informant hints at the central and contested role of women and gender during the anti-communist “emergency,” and during British decolonization more broadly. The Malayan Emergency relied not only military occupation, but also on the reconfiguration of gender expectations following the Japanaese occupation. This, they believed, was central to bringing peace and stability back to Malaya.