'What I Wish I Had Known' - Students and Alumni Share Advice for the Master’s in International Policy Program
'What I Wish I Had Known' - Students and Alumni Share Advice for the Master’s in International Policy Program
The application is now open for the Master’s in International Policy (MIP) Class of 2023. Five current students and alumni offer advice for prospective students.

“I would encourage students without work experience — who are coming straight from undergrad — to apply!

-Jillayne Ren ‘20
“I think that challenging preconceptions about what the MIP program can offer you is really important because

-Kyle Van Rensselaer ‘20
Many people come in with a certain specialization in mind — maybe something they did as an undergrad or as a job — but then they realize once they get here that the way they see the world has changed.
Kyle Van Rensselaer
MIP Class of 2020
“It's easy to apply to grad school because a lot of other people are doing it and because you've been thinking about it for awhile, but it's

The process is so deep and tough at the same time, that if you don't have a very good idea of what that purpose is, I think it's easy to deviate from the actual objective of having a meaningful experience and getting the tools you need to create an impact. So I would advise people to ask themselves why they want to do it first. What school, what program — that comes later. If you have a clear purpose, I think the other questions are going to be easier to answer.”
-Daniel Gajardo ‘22
I would advise people to ask themselves why they want to apply to grad school first. What school, what program — that comes later. If you have a clear purpose, I think the other questions are going to be easier to answer.
Daniel Gajardo
MIP Class of 2022
“Talk to students — don't be hesitant to reach out to people in the program. I think the nature of a policy

-Kyle Smith ‘22
“When an opportunity is presented to you, go for it! There are a lot of really interesting things going on at Stanford.

-Olivia Seideman ‘20
Begin your application for the MIP Class of 2023