2013 Robert G. Wesson Lecture - The Poetics of Protest and Policy: Poet and Activist Javier Sicilia on Peace Beyond the Drug War

2013 Robert G. Wesson Lecture - The Poetics of Protest and Policy: Poet and Activist Javier Sicilia on Peace Beyond the Drug War

Wednesday, October 30, 2013
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Bechtel Conference Center

Javier Sicilia is a poet, essayist, novelist, and journalist from Mexico. He contributes to various print media such as the Mexico City daily La Jornada and Proceso magazine. After his son was killed by drug traffickers in 2011, Sicilia founded an anti-violence called Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity. The group has campaigned against the spreading criminal and state violence in Mexico through massive street mobilizations, caravans and marches. Because of this movement, Sicilia was named as one of Time Magazine's Protestors of the Year for 2011. For his writing, he was awarded the Aguascalientes National Award of Poetry in 2009.

The lecture will be followed by a reception.