Voting Patterns in the European Parliament: Is the Structure of Political Conflict Changing?
Voting Patterns in the European Parliament: Is the Structure of Political Conflict Changing?
Thursday, April 12, 201812:00 PM - 1:30 PM (Pacific)
William J. Perry Conference Room
Encina Hall, 2nd floor
616 Serra Street
In this paper we study the changing multi-dimensional structure of political (ideological) conflict in the European Parliament. We analyze whether a structural change in terms of coalition formation is taking place in the current European Parliament. Using the roll call votes from the sixth (2004-09), seventh (2009-14), and eighth (2014-19) European Parliaments, we show that, as in the past, two dimensions are needed to explain voting behavior in the European Parliament. However, we find that the dimensionality of policy space has changed. Before 2014, the first dimension was left-right and the second dimension was pro/anti-EU; after 2014, the first dimension seems to be related to pro/anti-EU and left-right.

Abdul Noury is an associate professor in the division of the social sciences at New York University Abu Dhabi. This year he is a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University.