Singapore Today: The Challenges of Race, Inequality, and U.S.-China Relations – A Conversation with Linda Lim
Singapore Today: The Challenges of Race, Inequality, and U.S.-China Relations – A Conversation with Linda Lim
Tuesday, March 8, 20225:00 PM - 6:30 PM (Pacific)
Via Zoom Webinar
Singapore’s typically robust economy and stable hegemonic-party polity today face arguably their most serious challenges in half a century. The hyper-global affluent nation-state is more vulnerable than most to de-globalization trends accelerated by the global pandemic and climate change, increased disallowance of international competition based on tax avoidance and state subsidies for multinationals, and pressures to unwind global supply-chains given the growing prioritization of resilience over efficiency, and rising geopolitical tensions, particularly in U.S.-China relations. These external developments coincide and interact with domestic social pressures over intertwined race, immigration, and inequality concerns that arguably give an edge to the previously weak political opposition. The PAP government’s responses to date include both promises of more “liberal” welfare policies and the enactment of more “authoritarian” restrictions on freedom of expression and association.