Human Autonomy in the Age of Automation: Envisioning 2045

Human Autonomy in the Age of Automation: Envisioning 2045

Friday, November 3, 2017
8:30 AM - 6:30 PM

The conference is brought to you by the Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center Japan Program's Stanford Silicon Valley-New Japan Project and Mistletoe, Inc.

This event is at full capacity. Please contact Amanda Stoeckicht at if you have any questions.

As we enter the coming age of universal automation, this conference seeks to spark a discussion among thought leaders, technologists, and social entrepreneurs about the replacement of human labor by artificial intelligence and robotics and what that might mean for the future of human welfare and labor opportunities. There is increasing debate regarding the possibility of a new underclass of 'zero economic citizens.' How shall we address these challenges? Does the answer lie in lowering the cost of living? Is it the Universal Basic Income? Or something else? What might be the role of technologies for geographic mobility, sustainability, and community platforms.

Along with keynote presentations and panel discussions, the conference will also feature a startup showcase and participatory world-building exercise.

*The below program is subject to change.

Conference Program

8:30-9:00                  Registration and Breakfast

9:00-9:05                  Welcome

9:05-10:45                Keynote Presentations

Taizo Son (Mistletoe)

Marina Gorbis (Institute for the future)

Sam Altman (Y Combinator)

10:45-11:00              Coffee Break

11:00-12:15                Startup Showcase


Alesca Life



Cocoa Motors






12:15-12:30              Break

12:30-13:00              Mistletoe Fellows Program Announcement

13:00-14:00              Lunch

14:00-15:15              Panel & Debate Sessions: Technology and Social Change in 2045                          

Panel 1: 

Cities of the Future: Removing Barriers to New Ideas with Innovation Districts and Regulatory Sandboxes

Moderator: Ashkan Soltani

Panelists:   Neal Gorenflo (Sheareable)

Taizo Son (Mistletoe)

           Joe Quirk (Seasteading Institute)

           Kaidi Ruusalepp (Funderbeam)           

Panel 2:

The Autonomous Lifestyle: Can Tech-Enabled Mobility Improve Welfare and Opportunity?

Moderator: Kenji Kushida (Stanford University)

Panelists:   Frances Colon (Cenadores Puerto Rico)

Steve Cousins (Savioke)

            Toshi Hoo (IFTF)        


Panel 3:

Reimagining Social Entrepreneurship: Designing Collaboration and Community

                                       Moderator:     Ernestine Fu (Alsop Louie Partners)

Panelists:    Anh Bui (Benetech)

  Chuck Eesley (Stanford University)   

  Daniel Goldman (Ignition Angels)

             Luan Niu (Enviu)


15:15-15:30             Break

15:30-17:30             Zero Economic Citizen in 2045: A World Building Exercise                  

Joshua McVeigh-Schultz (University of Southern California)

Karl Baumann (Univeristy of Southern California)

Elena Marquez Segura (UC Santa Cruz)                         

17:30-17:35             Closing Remarks

17:35-18:35             Cocktail Reception