Environmental Lessons and Implications of the Gaza War

Environmental Lessons and Implications of the Gaza War

Monday, April 8, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

  • Dorit Banet,
  • Galit Cohen,
  • Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed ,
  • Victor Weiss

From possible hydrological contamination caused by tunnel flooding to deforestation caused by indiscriminate shelling, the environmental implications of the War in Gaza have played only a secondary role in public awareness of the conflict. Nonetheless, there may be long-lasting ecological implications to the present military activities which need to be considered. As attention turns to “the day after,” this panel of leading experts consider the challenge of sustainable restoration and preserving environmental quality for the future of Gazans and residents of the region.

Alon Tal, a Visiting Fellow in Israel Studies at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, will act as moderator for this discussion.

Dorit Banet

Dorit Banet

Co-founded Eilat-Eilot Renewable Energy Initiative
Dorit Banet has been Israel’s leading government official in the area of renewable energy for two decades. As head of the Eilot-Eilat Renewable Energy Initiative, she led the effort which converted the region into the world’s first 100% day-time solar electricity area. Ms. Banet served as an environmental consultant for the Israel Lands Authority in its planning for rebuilding the Gaza- Envelope region after October 7th.
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Galit Cohen

Galit Cohen

Director of the Program on Climate Change at the Israel Institute for National Security
Galit is working to identify and analyze risks and opportunities for Israel’s national security in the field of climate change. In her former position as Director General of the Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection, Cohen served as Israel’s most senior environmental regulator. She has over 20 years of experience in initiating and managing national policy transformations while implementing her deep understanding of international trends and governmental reforms, environmental and climate technologies, and financial issues.
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Dr. Tariq Abu Hamed, Director of the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies

Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed

Director of the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies
Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed completed his doctorate in Chemical Engineering from Ankara University. His postdoctoral research at Weizmann and the University of Minnesota’s Mechanical Engineering Department Solar Energy Lab focused on renewable energy. He served as Deputy Chief Scientist, and later the Acting Chief Scientist at Israel’s appointed Israeli Ministry of Science’s Deputy, the highest ranking Palestinian in the Israeli government. He rejoined to the Arava Institute in 2016 as Director of its Center for Renewable Energy and Academic Director, and was appointed Executive Director in 2021.
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Victor Weiss

Victor Weiss

Director of Sustainability, Israel National Security Council
Victor Weiss was a senior military officer who founded the Israel Defense Force’s Environmental Unit. He has subsequently served as the Director of the Heschel Center for Sustainability and Co-executive Director of the Climate Restoration Center. Recently, he was hired to oversee issues involving climate and sustainabiiltiy at Israel’s National Security Council.