Written Constitutions and the Rule of Law
Written Constitutions and the Rule of Law
Tuesday, May 26, 20154:30 PM - 6:00 PM (Pacific)
Manning Faculty Lounge
Stanford Law School
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Tom Ginsburg is the Deputy Dean and Leo Spitz Professor of International Law at the University of Chicago, where he also holds an appointment in the Political Science Department. He holds B.A., J.D. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California at Berkeley. He currently co-directs the Comparative Constitutions Project, an NSF-funded data set cataloging the world’s constitutions since 1789. His books include The Endurance of National Constitutions (2009) (with Zachary Elkins and James Melton), which won the best book award from Comparative Democratization Section of American Political Science Association; Judicial Review in New Democracies (2003), Administrative Law and Governance in Asia (2008), Rule By Law: The Politics of Courts in Authoritarian Regimes (with Tamir Moustafa, 2008), and Comparative Constitutional Law (with Rosalind Dixon, 2011). He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Before entering law teaching, he served as a legal advisor at the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal, The Hague, Netherlands, and he has consulted with numerous international development agencies and governments on legal and constitutional reform. He currently serves a senior advisor on Constitution Building to International IDEA.
Stanford University’s School of Law and Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI) are sponsoring a set of workshops for faculty working on the rule of law, corporate law, administrative law, international risk analysis, legal development in low-income countries, democratization, public health, development economics, and related fields. One desired outcome is the identification of the cognitive gaps between lawyers and social scientists around these topics, and the development of mutual language and understanding to spur better comprehension of different disciplines’ approaches to similar issues.