The U.S. and the Muslim World

The U.S. and the Muslim World

Monday, April 26, 2010
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Tresidder Oak West
  • Henry Crumpton

The United States and the Muslim World have been at loggerheads on various geopolitical issues over the course of the last century. In facing key global geopolitical and social challenges, the U.S. and global Muslim communities have common interests but the relationships have suffered, particularly since 9/11.

What is the impact of Palestine, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan on these relationships? How has the nature of conflict shifted to complicate the dialogue? How should the U.S. government address these issues?

Henry Crumpton, a former career intelligence officer and diplomat, will address the United States' relationship with the Muslim world in a bid to answer the above questions.

This event is co-sponserd by FSI, the Stanford African Students Associated (SASA), Pakistanis at Stanford (PAS), Sanskriti, Coalition for Justice in the Middle East (CJME).