The Popular Uprising in Egypt
The Popular Uprising in Egypt
Monday, February 7, 201112:00 PM - 1:00 PM (Pacific)
A Discussion Session with
Joel Beinin is Donald J. McLachan Professor of History and Professor of Middle Eastern History at Stanford University. He received his M.A. from Harvard University and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan- Ann Arbor. His research focuses on workers, peasants, and minorities in the modern Middle East and on Israel, Palestine, and the Arab-Israeli conflict. He has written or edited seven books, most recently Workers and Peasants in the Modern Middle East (Cambridge University Press, 2001) and The Struggle for Sovereignty: Palestine and Israel, 1993-2005 (with Rebecca Stein, Stanford University Press, 2006). In 2002, he served as President of the Middle East Studies Association of North America.
Lisa Blaydes is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Stanford University. She received her M.A. from Johns Hopkins University and Ph.D. from University of California-Los Angeles. Among her publications are Elections and Distributive Politics in Mubarak's Egypt (Cambridge University Press, 2011), "Women's Electoral Participation in Egypt: The Implications of Gender for Voter Recruitment and Mobilization" (with Safinaz El Tarouty , Middle East Journal, 2009), and "Spoiling the Peace?: Peace Process Exclusivity and Political Violence in North-central Africa" (with Jennifer De Maio, Civil Wars, 2010). Her research interests include comparative politics, Middle Eastern politics, and political economy.
Robert Crews is Associate Professor of History and Director of the Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies at Stanford University. He received his M.A. from Columbia University and Ph.D. from Princeton University. He is the author of For Prophet and Tsar: Islam and Empire in Russia and Central Asia (Harvard University Press, 2006) and co-editor of The Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan (with Amin Tarzi, Harvard University Press, 2008). He was named by the Carnegie Corporation of New York as one of the 2009 Carnegie Scholars selected for influential ideas and enhancing public discourse about Islam.
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