An Intellectual Agenda for Terrorism Research
An Intellectual Agenda for Terrorism Research
Thursday, April 29, 20043:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Pacific)
Albert J. Bergesen is Professor of Sociology at the University of Arizona, and this year visiting professor of sociology at Stanford, where he offered "The Sociology of Terrorism" during the Winter quarter, and will offer, "Sayyid Qutb: The Father of Islamic Fundamentalism", this summer as a Stanford CSP course. His research centers upon Islamic fundamentalism/sociology of religion and the quantitative study of political violence. At present he is assembling a Terrorist Events File comprised of contemporary transnational terrorist events since 1968 and the 1878-1914 period of anarchist terrorist events. This data, and the resultant theoretical structures and models derived from it's analysis, will be used to construct a natural history of Cycles of Terrorism, which will have implications for trying to make predictions about present trends in type of attack, the geographical locale of attack, and the social/political characteristics of targets and victims.