2014 Annual Letter and Report from FSI Director Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar

2014 Annual Letter and Report from FSI Director Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar

Dear Friends,

Another busy year is drawing to a close at FSI, and with it, my tenure as the Institute’s director.  In the last few days, as the media reviewed developments about Russia’s economic troubles, changes in American diplomacy, and China’s evolving position in the world, I’ve found myself reflecting on the Institute’s role in our world and here at Stanford.  I am stepping down after 19 months as director and more than a decade working with FSI.  I depart Encina grateful for your support of the Institute, your engagement with our centers and programs, and your sage advice. 

During the last year or so, thanks in large measure to your generous support, the Institute hired a half-dozen faculty members.  We raised about $30 million (both in terms of cash receipts and new activity), launched a new Stanford International Policy Implementation Lab, and expanded fellowship programs for Stanford students to conduct research abroad.  We strengthened the Institute’s research initiatives on nuclear policy, cybersecurity, international development, and Mexico, among other topics, and forged lasting partnerships with schools and other institutes on health policy, global poverty, and the study of information technology’s role in the world.  As the following pages describe, the Institute’s successes are a result of our working together toward a common goal: creating the knowledge needed to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges.

Strengthening the Institutes Faculty and Capacity for Interdisciplinary Research

Our scholars are at the core of everything that happens at FSI.  Just this year, our faculty have published a number of interesting scholarly books and journal articles on political order and decay in society, food security, democracy in comparative perspective, and global health.  The Institute’s 45 appointed faculty members include political scientists, lawyers, historians, economists, sociologists, engineers, experts in Earth sciences, and medical doctors among others.  About 30 are joint appointments of tenured or tenure-line faculty from academic departments or schools. The majority of the institute’s billets are funded either by endowed chairs or from university base funding. This year, we added six faculty members this year. Four have been recruited from the outside and two from within Stanford.  Our new faculty includes the following individuals: 

•      Lisa Blaydes, associate professor of political science and specialist on the Middle East, joins FSI as a senior fellow and Freeman Spogli Scholar; her affiliation is with CDDRL.

•      Marshall Burke, assistant professor environmental Earth system science and FSI center fellow, was recruited as a newly minted PhD from UC Berkeley’s Department of Resource and Agricultural Economics; his affiliation is with FSE.

•      Pascaline Dupas, associate professor of economics with a focus on health, education and savings in developing countries, joins FSI as a senior fellow; her affiliation is with CDDRL.

•      Yong Suk Lee, the SK Center Fellow, joins FSI from Williams College where he was assistant professor of economics working on urbanization and contemporary Korea; his affiliation is with Shorenstein APARC.

•      Robert MacCoun, professor of law and FSI senior fellow, was recently recruited from UC Berkeley where he had a dual appointment in the Schools of Law and Public Policy; his affiliations are with CHP/PCOR, CDDRL, and CISAC.

Two more searches currently underway will add further strength to our faculty.  A search for the Perry Chair in Korean studies, a joint position between FSI and H&S, will continue into the new year. We are also searching to fill the Stanton Foundation Professor in International and Nuclear Security, a newly endowed chair established in April that authorizes a joint position in FSI and an academic department. The position deepens our longstanding partnership with the Stanton Foundation, which includes $10 million in gifts to endow chairs in nuclear security and international affairs, and continuing support for fellowships at CISAC. The search committee, which is made up of faculty from FSI, political science, history, engineering and earth sciences, will seek an internationally recognized expert in nuclear security policy research with strong interest in shaping, advising, making or implementing policy on nuclear security, nuclear risk management, and arms control.

Broader interest in arms control across the Institute is an example of our faculty are interested in the way scholarship and policy affect each other.  We have designed a way to connect that focus with a long-term teaching and research mission. In March we launched the International Policy Implementation Lab with approximately $2.5 million in external support.  The Lab helps faculty and students who pursue applied projects and ask how policy is implemented – or fails to be implemented.  Through funding, the creation of a community of scholars, and newly dedicated space and staff, the Lab connects scholarship, student engagement and the study of policy implementation.

Thus far, the Lab has provided over $500,000 in funding to 14 faculty research projects. The projects range from new research – including a study of Russia’s implementation of a new anti-tobacco campaign – to existing projects that dive more deeply into questions of policy implementation, such as an evaluation of immigrant assimilation and integration policies in Europe.  The Lab is led by a steering committee composed of senior fellows Frank Fukuyama, Grant Miller and Stephen Luby, also supports U.S.-based projects that have major international implications. One project aims to build a political roadmap for nuclear waste storage in America, an initiative that could affect international standards for other countries with nuclear energy programs.

Forging Strong Partnerships Across Campus

The partnerships we have built across campus this year constitute a sterling opportunity for FSI and the university.  Depending on our partnerships with Stanford Global Studies, the Program in International Relations, the Office of International Affairs, the Bing Overseas Studies Program, and Stanford’s seven schools strengthens our position within the university.  Working with the Graduate School of Education, for example, we are studying educational disparities and policy options for improving the effectiveness and availability of schooling worldwide. FSI Senior Fellow Scott Rozelle and Professor of Education Francisco Ramirez are leading a broad initiative on international education. The initiative showcases new research suggesting that improvements targeted at the primary level are key to boosting educational achievement in developing countries. 

The health policy challenges that these developing nations face along with their advanced industrialized counterparts are a major focus of our expanded partnership with the School of Medicine.  This year, FSI and medical school faculty have created new working groups to examine critical areas in health policy, including the diffusion and adoption of life-saving interventions in developing countries, risk management in the biosciences, and health care reform in comparative perspective.  Bringing together experts from economics, decision science, pediatrics, infectious disease, global health, and other fields, researchers are undertaking a cross-disciplinary examination of the challenges confronted in caring for populations worldwide, and developing solutions to the toughest health care challenges. 

Faculty ingenuity and commitment to principle are also critical as we seek to enhance our understanding of how humanity is being affected by trends in information technology.  FSI was also instrumental in launching the Stanford Cyber Initiative, a broad campus-wide effort to address and examine the challenges and opportunities that cybersecurity, cyberspace and networked information pose to our society.

The effort will build upon the university's already extensive inquiry and research into the security and strategic role of our society’s information technology infrastructure. The new initiative will work with Stanford’s existing research hubs addressing cyber issues, including FSI’s Center for International Security and Cooperation and Center on its Center for Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law. The Computer Security Lab in the Department of Computer Science, the Hoover Institution and the Law School's Center for Internet and Society are also playing vital roles in the Cyber Initiative, which is developing faculty seminars and conferences, organizing working groups of faculty and students to tackle policy-relevant problems in information security, and providing support for internal research awards, teaching and curriculum development.

As with FSI’s Implementation Lab, collaborations with industry and government are a vital part of the Cyber Initiative. And the initiative – in part – capitalizes on some of the work FSI has already taken on in the cyber arena. This past summer, our Center for International Security and Cooperation teamed up with the Hoover Institution to sponsor the Stanford Congressional Cyber Boot Camp. The program brought together congressional staffers, academics and technology leaders to discuss ways to protect the government, the public and industry from cyber attacks, network crimes and breaches of personal privacy. The idea behind the three-day workshop was to give Capitol Hill staffers the knowledge and contacts that will help them better craft legislation and policies on cybersecurity.

Even as we try to anticipate the issues that are bound to arise with developing technology, we are also sharpening our focus on some of the oldest problems plaguing our plant. More than one billion people are living on less than $1.25 a day, and FSI researchers are working hard on solutions that can lift people from such deep poverty.

In partnership with the Stanford Institute for Innovation in Developing Economies (SEED) at the Graduate School of Business, FSI administers the Global Development and Poverty Initiative (GDP). GDP channels new resources to support Stanford faculty across the university who take a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach to combating poverty. Thus far, GDP has provided than $4 million to 14 research projects from a variety of disciplines working on economic development and poverty alleviation.  Among other issues, these projects seek to advance our understanding of how poor people behave in rural areas of Africa, how violence and poverty create cycles of insecurity in Latin America, and how sustainable smallholder farming, microfinance and educational technology can play a role in alleviating poverty.

The GDP initiative will also support education and outreach activities including a speaker series, a forum that explores different indicators of human well-being and a major conference that examines the links among public health, institutions and economic growth.

Enhancing the Institutes Role in Education and Teaching

This year has also given us opportunities to strengthen our graduate and undergraduate teaching mission. The Stanford Global Student Fellows program will build on the institute’s undergraduate mentorship programs that allow students to work on faculty research projects each quarter. Those positions will now be available during the summer.

Some of the positions will be connected to projects in the Policy Implementation Lab, an initiative that gives students a close-up view of how academics and policy influencers can address some of the world’s thorniest issues.

Building on FSI’s experience placing students in research opportunities, the program will create and expand summer field research internships. The two- to six-week internships this summer will give undergraduates the opportunity to work with FSI senior fellows in China, Guatemala, India and Mexico who study global health, conflict resolution, governance and poverty reduction.  In coming years, the program will likely include additional fieldwork projects in Rwanda, Tanzania and Brazil. The SGSF program covers all travel expenses for students and provides students with an opportunity to work closely with a faculty member and a team of other students on an ongoing research project addressing real-world problems in a specific region. FSI senior fellows Lisa Blaydes, Steve Stedman and Scott Rozelle comprise the program’s steering committee.

This new student-focused initiative will also allow FSI to work closely with its partners, including the Program in International Relations, the Haas Center for Public Service, and Stanford in Government to provide opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students. 

This year also saw the beginning of a longer-term effort, pursued in partnership with our colleagues at the School of Humanities and Sciences, to enhance our International Policy Studies (IPS) Master’s Program.  Under the leadership of the program’s director, we began a review of the curriculum and sought to bolster our faculty’s participation in teaching for IPS students.  A new course on comparative governance is in development as a result.  Students are also making superb use of new space at the Implementation Lab, and applicants will benefit from access to a selected number of new fellowships that we hope will be expanded in the future.

Policy Outreach and Public Service

Along with our direct teaching and hands-on fieldwork, FSI has sought to increase understanding of international issues by tapping a wide-ranging network of politicians, bureaucrats and practitioners who have the practical experience of grappling with complex problems. George W. Bush, Michelle Obama, IMF Director Christine Lagarde, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso and Kevin Rudd, former prime minister of Australia, are among the visitors who have met with students, lectured to our community and contributed to our scholarship.

Our engagement with the world occurs not only through these distinguished visitors, but through our faculty's public service.  We were also fortunate to have newly nominated defense secretary Ashton Carter come to Stanford this year as a Payne Distinguished Visitor at FSI and a distinguished visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution.  Jeremy Weinstein remains in policy advising role in the Office of the United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Samantha Power. 

Building the Institutes Infrastructure

Overall FSI is in a relatively strong position. Most of its centers and programs are thriving and the Institute’s central office is currently on solid financial footing. Recent major gifts have strengthened our position, including gifts to support CDDRL's endowment, two new professorships, and expendable funds to support new student programs, faculty research and facilities upgrades. 

New expendable gifts to the Institute are also being used in part to offset a range of ongoing faculty salary commitments for which endowed senior fellowships and other discretionary giving are insufficient to cover. Targeting gifts for this purpose over the next five years enables FSI to realize its goal of stabilizing FSI central unrestricted fund balances at a floor of just over $1 million while aligning spending with revenue over the long term.

All this activity needs physical space to thrive.  FSI benefits from its location in the historic Encina complex, at the heart of Stanford’s campus.  We have made significant renovations to allow space for the Policy Implementation Lab, but we are in need of even more room for our programs, initiatives and collaborations. To that end, I’m pleased that we are moving ahead with plans to continue renovating and upgrading Encina Hall and Encina Commons, as well as the courtyard connecting the two buildings.  This project will add much-needed space for FSI’s faculty, students, and academic programs.  Just as important, the project will leverage a renovated courtyard and new public spaces to draw in students and faculty from nearby departments in Humanities and Sciences, the Crothers Residences and their program on global citizenship, the new Business School dorm, and other units. We expect ground to be broken on that project in 2016, and are grateful to those of you who’ve helped us advance this crucial endeavor.

Shortly after the new year begins, my colleague Mike McFaul will take over as Director.  I am confident that our Institute will continue being defined by its commitments to timeless values: the centrality of rigorous research and the importance of preparing leaders to take on the defining challenges of our time.  With your engagement, Encina Hall will remain a hub for research, teaching, and learning helping our world respond to those challenges: the needs of roughly 100 million undernourished children in the world, the risks and opportunities posed by nuclear and cyber technologies, pervasive cross-border global health challenges, and the possibilities for strengthening governance in a world where institutions are often as fragile as they are important. 

Our Institute, meanwhile, is anything but fragile.  I am honored to have led FSI during these last twenty months.  I am grateful for the generosity of our longtime supporters and new friends alike, and I know those relationships will become even stronger as the Institute continues to pursue its mission here at Encina Hall in the coming decades.


Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar

Following is a compilation of annual highlights and selected publications from FSI's centers:

Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law

In 2014, Stanford’s Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (CDDRL) continued to enhance its international stature as one of the leading research and training centers on the relationship between governance and development. From the slums of Rio de Janeiro to the cities of Andra Pradesh to the law schools of Rwanda and Afghanistan to the policy corridors of Washington, D.C., CDDRL researchers are helping to understand how to achieve broad-based economic development and sustainable democracy, with a robust rule of law, transparency and good governance.  Several highlights stand out during the year. In October CDDRL publicly launched Francis Fukuyama’s new book, Political Order and Political Decay, which traces the evolution of political institutions to understand why states behave the way they do today.  Our program on American Democracy in Comparative Perspective hosted three major conferences on plausible reforms that could address political polarization, deadlock, and poor governance in the United States. Our Draper Hills Summer Fellows Program celebrated its tenth year, and hosted an alumni reunion during our regular summer session, as well as regional workshops in Nigeria and Georgia. Over the ten years of the program we have trained 250 democracy and human rights activists and leaders from over 70 countries.

Select Publications:

Bruce Cain, Democracy More or Less: America’s Political Reform Quandary (Cambridge Studies in Election Law and Democracy, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014).

Larry Diamond and Gi-Wook Shin, New Challenges for Maturing Democracies in Korea and Taiwan, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2014).

Francis Fukuyama, Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy, (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2014).

Vivek Srinivasan, Delivering Public Services Effectively: Tamil Nadu and Beyond, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014)

Center on Food Security and the Environment

In the past year FSE’s research portfolio has grown to over 20 projects in the United States, Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe. We also launched a new course on Feeding Nine Billion, taught by David Lobell, who on September 1, 2014 became our Deputy Director. FSE affiliates published widely, including two new books, The Evolving Sphere of Food Security and Frontiers in Food Policy: Perspectives on sub-Saharan Africa. In April of 2014 we launched our new Food and Nutrition Policy Symposium Series, which will bring leading thinkers to Stanford, once per quarter, for the next 3 years. With a grant from the Pew Charitable Trusts’ Lenfest Ocean Program, FSE director Roz Naylor convened and chaired a three-day conference in Beijing that brought together 36 participants from China, the United States, Europe and Australia. The symposium is the first in a three-year series on the future of Chinese fish production and trade, and the industry’s potential to meet Chinese and global food security needs. This year FSE also received several new grants from Google and Apple Inc. to expand research on crop yield modeling using satellite data. FSE PhD student Katrina ole-MoiYoi won the prestigious U.S. Borlaug Fellowship in Global Food Security to support her work on Kenyan aquaculture subsidies, while undergraduate Mackenzie Yaryura was one of two Stanford students to win the 2014-15 Cargill Global Scholarship, designed to develop the next generation of leaders in the field of food, agriculture and risk management.

Select publications:

A.L. Thebo, P. Dreschel, and E. Lambin. November 2014. Global assessment of urban and peri-urban agriculture: irrigated and rainfed croplands. Environmental Research Letters 9.

J. Burney and V. Ramanathan. November 2014. Recent climate and air pollution impacts on Indian agriculture. PNAS 11(44).

B. Sultan, K. Guan, M. Kouressy, M. Biasutti, C. Piani, G.L. Hammer, G. McLean, and D. Lobell. October 2014. Robust features of future climate change impacts on sorghum yields in West Africa. Environmental Research Letters 9(10).

R. Naylor (ed.). 2014. The Evolving Sphere of Food Security. Oxford University Press.

W. Falcon. August 2014. Blowin’ in the wind: Iowa Farmer’s Almanac, Part III. Big Picture Agriculture.

M. Troell, R. Naylor, M. Metian, M. Beveridge, P. Tyedmers, C. Folke, K. Arrow, S. Barrett, A-S. Crépin, P. Ehrlich, Å. Gren, N. Kautsky, S. Levin, K. Nyborg, H. Österblom, S. Polasky, M. Scheffer, B. Walker, T. Xepapadeas, A. de Zeeuw. August 2014. Does Aquaculture Add Resilience to the Global Food System? PNAS 111(37).

D. Lobell and C. Tebaldi. July 2014. Getting caught with our plants down: the risks of a global crop yield slowdown from climate trends in the next two decades. Environmental Research Letters 9(7).

W. Falcon and R. Naylor. June 2014. Frontiers in Food Policy: Perspectives on sub-Saharan Africa. Center on Food Security and the Environment. Printed by CreateSpace.

S. Barrett, T. Lenton, A. Millner, S. Carpenter, J. Anderies, F. Chapin III, A-S. Crepin, P. Ehrlich, C. Folke, V. Galaz, T. Hughes, N. Kautsky, E. Lambin, R. Naylor, K. Nyborg, S. Polasky, M. Scheffer, J. Wilen, A. Xepapadeas, A. de Zeeuw. June 2014. Climate engineering reconsidered. Nature Climate Change 4: 527-529.

D. Lobell. June 2014. Climate Change adaptation in crop production: Beware of illusions. Global Food Security 3(2):72-76.

F. Moore and D. Lobell. May 2014. Adaptation potential of European agriculture in response to climate change. Nature Climate Change 10: 610-614.

D. Lobell, M. Roberts, W. Schlenker, B. Little, R. Rejesus and G. Hammer. May 2014. Greater sensitivity to drought accompanies maize yield increase in the US Midwest. Science 344: 516-519.

W. Burke and T.S. Jayne. March 2014. Smallholder land ownership in Kenya: distribution between households and through time. Agricultural Economics 45(2): 185-198.

A.J. Challinor, J. Watson, D. Lobell, S.M. Howden, S.M., D.R. Smith and N. Chhetri. March 2014. A meta-analysis of crop yield under climate change and adaptation. Nature Climate Change 4:287-291.

S. Ravi, D. Lobell and C. Field. February 2014. Tradeoffs and Synergies between Biofuel Production and Large Solar Infrastructure in Deserts. Environmental Science and Technology  49(5): 3021-3030.

Q. Meng, P. Hou, D. Lobell, H. Wang, Z. Cui, F. Zhang and Z. Chen. January 2014. The Benefits of Recent Warming on Maize Production in High Latitude China. Climatic Change 122: 341-349.

Center on Health Policy/Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research

At the Center for Health Policy and Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research (CHP), we aim to be one of the foremost centers for interdisciplinary quantitative research on international and domestic health policy and seek to be at the forefront of innovation in methods to address policy questions. CHP faculty published more than 80 papers over the last year. Marcella Alsan, MD, PhD, the only infectious disease trained physician-economist in the U.S. showed how an infectious disease in domesticated animals in Africa reduced the ability of African ethnic groups to generate agricultural surpluses, leading to less political centralization and lower population density. David Chan, MD, PhD, another physician economist, was awarded the prestigious Early Independence Award by the National Institutes of Health.  David Studdert, LLB, ScD, MPH reviewed innovations in medical malpractice and their implications for patient safety. Dr. Owens helped lead the development of national clinical guidelines on screening for hepatitis C, hepatitis B, lung cancer, breast cancer genes, and breast cancer. Dr. Stephen Luby is in the midst of fostering development of a conceptual vision for close collaboration between the International Network for Demographic Evaluation of Population and Their Health (INDEPTH), Stanford’s Big Data team and CHP.  Dr. Paul Wise is leading the Children in Crisis project with other FSI faculty; the project is integrating expertise in political science, security, and health services to improve child health in areas of civil conflict and unstable governance.  Grant Miller, PhD, is currently conducting a study of China’s fertility decline (which largely predates the One Child Policy) and the emergence of gender imbalance in the Chinese population.

Select Publications:

Bendavid E.  Is Health Aid Reaching the Poor? Analysis of Household Data from Aid Recipient Countries.  PLoS ONE 9(1): e84025. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084025.

Bendavid E, Bhattacharya J.  The Relationship of Health Aid to Population Health Improvements. JAMA Internal Medicine April 21, 2014 doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.292.

Suen S, Bendavid E, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD.  Disease Control Implications Of India's Changing Multi-drug Resistant Tuberculosis Epidemic. PLoS ONE 9(3): e89822. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0089822

Alistar SS, Grant PM, Bendavid E.  Comparative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy and pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention in South Africa. BMC Medicine doi:10.1186/1741-7015-12-46 2014.

Basu S, Modrek S, Bendavid E.  Optimizing Malaria Testing and Treatment Strategies.  Medical Decision Making (2014): 0272989X14533609.

Sood N, Bendavid E, Mukherji A, Wagner Z, Nagpal S, Mullen P.  Can Insurance Improve Health? An Evaluation of a Government Health Insurance Program for the Poor in India. BMJ349 (2014): g5114.

Bendavid E.  Changes in Child Mortality Over Time Across the Wealth Gradient in Less-Developed Countries.  Accepted, Pediatrics

Kligerman M, Barry M, Walmer D, Bendavid E.  The Impact of International Aid on Rebuilding Leogane, Haiti’s Healthcare System: A Pre and Post Earthquake Longitudinal Study.  Accepted, American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene.

Tuberculosis treatment discontinuation and symptom persistence: an observational study of Bihar, India's public care system covering > 100,000,000 inhabitants BMC PUBLIC HEALTH Babiarz, K. S., Suen, S., Goldhaber-Fiebert, J. D. 2014; 14

Exploration and adoption of evidence-based practice by US child welfare agencies CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW Horwitz, S. M., Hurlburt, M. S., Goldhaber-Fiebert, J. D., Palinkas, L. A., Rolls-Reutz, J., Zhang, J., Fisher, E., Landsverk, J.Hide2014; 39: 147-152

Explaining variations in state foster care maintenance rates and the implications for implementing new evidence-based programs CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW Goldhaber-Fiebert, J. D., Babiarz, K. S., Garfield, R. L., Wulczyn, F., Landsverk, J., Horwitz, S. M.Hide2014; 39: 183-206

Disease Control Implications of India's Changing Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Epidemic PLOS ONE Suen, S., Bendavid, E., Goldhaber-Fiebert, J. D.Hide2014; 9 (3)

Cost-Effectiveness of Treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema ANNALS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE Pershing, S., Enns, E. A., Matesic, B., Owens, D. K., Goldhaber-Fiebert, J. D.Hide2014; 160 (1): 18-?

Disease control implications of India's changing multi-drug resistant tuberculosis epidemic. PloS one Suen, S., Bendavid, E., Goldhaber-Fiebert, J. D.Hide2014; 9 (3)

Learning about New Technologies through Social Networks: Experimental Evidence on Non-Traditional Stoves in Bangladesh Bulletin of the World Health Organization Miller, N. G., Bauhoff, S., Mohanan, M., Forgia, G. L., Babiarz, K. S., Singh, K.Hide2015: Forthcoming

An Exploration of China's Mortality Decline under Mao: A Provincial Analysis, 1950-1980 Population Studies Miller, N. G., Eggleston, K., Babiarz, K. S., Zhang, Q.Hide2015: Forthcoming

Bendavid E and Bhattacharya J, “The Relationship of Health Aid to Population Health Improvements” JAMA Internal Medicine Jun;174(6):881-7. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.292. (2014) PMID: 24756557

Erickson K, Winkelmayer W, Chertow G, Bhattacharya J “Physician Visits and 30-day Hospital Readmissions in Patients Receiving Hemodialysis.” Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Sep;25(9):2079-87. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2013080879  (2014) PMID: 2481216.

Patel RB, Mathur MB, Gould M, Uyeki TM, Bhattacharya J, Xiao Y, Khazeni N “Demographic and Clinical Predictors of Mortality from Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5N1) Virus Infection: CART Analysis of International Cases.”  Mar 25;9(3):e91630. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0091630. eCollection 2014. PMID: 24667532 (2014).

Basu S, Seligman H, Gardner C, and Bhattacharya J, “Ending SNAP subsidies for sugar-sweetened beverages could reduce obesity and type 2 diabetes” Health Affairs Jun;33(6):1032-9. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2013.1246 (2014) PMID: 24889953

Jena AB, Schoemaker L, and Bhattacharya J, “The effect of ACGME resident duty hour reforms on outcomes of physicians after completion of residency” Health Affairs 33:1832-1840 (2014)

Mathur MB, Patel RB, Gould M, Uyeki TM, Bhattacharya J, Xiao Y, Gillaspie Y, Khazeni N, “Global Seasonal Patterns in Human HPAI H5N1 Infection: Analysis of International Cases” PLoS ONE Sep 12;9(9):e106171. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0106171. eCollection 2014. PMID: 25215608 (2014)

Bhattacharya J, Vogt WB. “Employment and Adverse Selection in Health Insurance.”  Forum for Health Economics and Policy 17(1):79-104. DOI: 10.1515/fhep-2013-0017 (2014)

Erickson KF, Winkelmayer WC, Chertow GM, and Bhattacharya J. “Medicare Reimbursement Reform for Provider Visits and Health Outcomes in Patients on Hemodialysis.”  Forum for Health Economics and Policy 17(1):53-77 (2014)

Erickson KF, Mell MW, Winkelmayer WC, Chertow GM, and Bhattacharya J “Provider Visit Frequency and Vascular Access Interventions in Hemodialysis” Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (2014, forthcoming)

Chicklis C, MaCurdy T, Bhattacharya J, Shafrin J, Zaidi S, and Rogers D “Regional Growth in Medicare Spending, 1992-2010.” Health Services Research (2014, forthcoming)

Romley JA, Axeen S, Lakdawalla DN, Chernew ME, Bhattacharya J, and Goldman DP. “The Relationship between Commercial Health Care Prices and Medicare Spending and Utilization.” Health Services Research (2014, forthcoming)

Gidwani R and Bhattacharya J “CMS Reimbursement Reform and the Incidence of Hospital-Acquired Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis.” Journal of General Internal Medicine (2014, forthcoming)

The Impact of Massachusetts Health Care Reform on Access, Quality, and Costs of Care for the Already-Insured. Joynt KE1, Chan DC, Zheng J, Orav EJ, Jha AK.Health Serv Res. 2014 Sep 15. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.12228.

The Effect of the TseTse Fly on African Development. Alsan, Marcella. American Economic Review 2015, 105(1): 1-30

Quality of Care for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions: The Role of Comorbidity Interrelatedness JOURNAL OF GENERAL INTERNAL MEDICINE Zulman, D. M., Asch, S. M., Martins, S. B., Kerr, E. A., Hoffman, B. B., Goldstein, M. K.Hide2014; 29 (3): 529-537

Choosing a Physician Depends on How You Want to Feel: The Role of Ideal Affect in Health-Related Decision Making EMOTION Sims, T., Tsai, J. L., Koopmann-Holm, B., Thomas, E. A., Goldstein, M. K.Hide2014; 14 (1): 187-192

Halfon N, Wise PH, Forrest C. Optimizing children’s health development: New challenges require major new policy solutions. Health Aff (In Press).

Consequences of the affordable care act for sick newborns. Profit J1, Wise PH2, Lee HC3. Pediatrics. 2014 Nov;134(5):e1284-6. doi: 10.1542/peds.2014-0470. Epub 2014 Oct 13.

Quality health care for children and the Affordable Care Act: a voltage drop checklist. Cheng TL1, Wise PH2, Halfon N3. Pediatrics. 2014 Oct;134(4):794-802. doi: 10.1542/peds.2014-0881. Epub 2014 Sep 15.

Variations in inpatient pediatric anesthesia in California from 2000 to 2009: a caseload and geographic analysis.Mudumbai SC1, Honkanen A, Chan J, Schmitt S, Saynina O, Hackel A, Gregory G, Phibbs CS, Wise PH. Paediatr Anaesth. 2014 Dec;24(12):1295-301. doi: 10.1111/pan.12500. Epub 2014 Sep 9.

Quantifying and exploiting the age dependence in the effect of supplementary food for child undernutrition. Lakkam M1, Wager S2, Wise PH3, Wein LM4. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 26;9(6):e99632. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0099632. eCollection 2014.

Maternal prepregnancy body mass index and risk of spontaneous preterm birth. Shaw GM, Wise PH, Mayo J, Carmichael SL, Ley C, Lyell DJ, Shachar BZ, Melsop K, Phibbs CS, Stevenson DK, Parsonnet J, Gould JB; March of Dimes Prematurity Research Center at Stanford University School of Medicine. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2014 Jul;28(4):302-11. doi: 10.1111/ppe.12125. Epub 2014 May 9.

Promise and perils of the Affordable Care Act for children.Cheng TL, Wise PH, Halfon N. JAMA. 2014 May 7;311(17):1733-4. doi: 10.1001/jama.2014.930. No abstract available. PMID: 24794362 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Population-level correlates of preterm delivery among black and white women in the U.S. Carmichael SL, Cullen MR, Mayo JA, Gould JB, Loftus P, Stevenson DK, Wise PH, Shaw GM. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 16;9(4):e94153. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094153. eCollection 2014.

Increased utilization of pediatric specialty care: a population study of pediatric oncology inpatients in California. Chamberlain LJ, Pineda N, Winestone L, Saynina O, Rangaswami A, Link M, Wise PH. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2014 Mar;36(2):99-107. doi: 10.1097/01.mph.0000438027.07467.f1..

From Volume to Value: Redefining Health Care for Taiwan. C. Jason Wang, Jennifer F. Baron, and Andrew T. Huang. Chinese edition of Harvard Business Review, Issue 96, August 2014

Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Demonstration Program Congressional Report. Bill Adams, Elissa Faro, Patricia Finnerty, Charlie J. Homer, Elisa Mai, Amanda Norton, Suzette Oyeku, Rachel Vanderbruik, and C. Jason Wang. October 2014

Knapp C, Chakravorty S, Madden V, Baron-Lee J, Gubernick R, Kairys S,Pelaez-Velez C, Sanders LM, Thompson L. Association between medical home characteristics and staff professional experiences in pediatric practices. Arch Public Health. 2014 Oct 20;72(1):36. doi: 10.1186/2049-3258-72-36. eCollection 2014. PubMed PMID: 25364502; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4216343.

Sanders LM, Perrin EM, Yin HS, Bronaugh A, Rothman RL; Greenlight Study Team. "Greenlight study": a controlled trial of low-literacy, early childhood obesity prevention. Pediatrics. 2014 Jun;133(6):e1724-37. doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-3867. Epub 2014 May 12. PubMed PMID: 24819570; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4035594.

Heerman WJ, Perrin EM, Yin HS, Sanders LM, Eden SK, Shintani A, Coyne-Beasley T, Bronaugh AB, Barkin SL, Rothman RL. Health literacy and injury prevention behaviors among caregivers of infants. Am J Prev Med. 2014 May;46(5):449-56. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2014.01.005. PubMed PMID: 24745634; PubMed Central PMCID:PMC4040284.

Perrin EM, Rothman RL, Sanders LM, Skinner AC, Eden SK, Shintani A, Throop EM, Yin HS. Racial and ethnic differences associated with feeding- and activity-related behaviors in infants. Pediatrics. 2014 Apr;133(4):e857-67. doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-1326. Epub 2014 Mar 17. PubMed PMID: 24639273; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3966498.

Eneriz-Wiemer M, Sanders LM, Barr DA, Mendoza FS. Parental limited English proficiency and health outcomes for children with special health care needs: a systematic review. Acad Pediatr. 2014 Mar-Apr;14(2):128-36. doi:10.1016/j.acap.2013.10.003. PubMed PMID: 24602575.

Knapp C, Chakravorty S, Madden V, Baron-Lee J, Gubernick R, Kairys S, Pelaez-Velez C, Sanders LM, Thompson L. Assessing patient experiences in the pediatric patient-centered medical home: a comparison of two instruments. Matern Child Health J. 2014 Nov;18(9):2124-33. doi: 10.1007/s10995-014-1460-9. PubMed PMID: 24585412.

Yin HS, Sanders LM, Rothman RL, Shustak R, Eden SK, Shintani A, Cerra ME, Cruzatte EF, Perrin EM. Parent health literacy and "obesogenic" feeding and physical activity-related infant care behaviors. J Pediatr. 2014Mar;164(3):577-83.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2013.11.014. Epub 2013 Dec 25. PubMed PMID: 24370343; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3943839.

Microbiological evaluation of the efficacy of soapy water to clean hands: a randomized, non-inferiority field trial. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene Amin, N., Pickering, A. J., Ram, P. K., Unicomb, L., Najnin, N., Homaira, N., Ashraf, S., Abedin, J., Islam, M. S., Luby, S. P.Hide2014; 91 (2): 415-423

The Role of Landscape Composition and Configuration on Pteropus giganteus Roosting Ecology and Nipah Virus Spillover Risk in Bangladesh AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE Hahn, M. B., Gurley, E. S., Epstein, J. H., Islam, M. S., Patz, J. A., Daszak, P., Luby, S. P.Hide2014; 90 (2): 247-255

Gostin LO, Jacobson PD, Studdert DM, Hyman DA. LAW AND THE HEALTH SYSTEM. Foundation Press, 2014

Mello MM, Studdert DM. Making the case for health-enhancing laws after Bloomberg. Hastings Center Report, Jan-Feb 2014.

Spittal MJ, Pirkis J, Miller MJ, Carter G, Studdert DM. The Repeated Episodes of Self-Harm (RESH) Score: A tool for predicting risk of future episodes of self-harm among hospital patients. Journal of Affective Disorders 2014;161:36-42.

Grant GM, O'Donnell ML, Spittal MJ, Creamer M, Studdert DM. Relationship between stressfulness of claiming for injury compensation and long-term recovery: a prospective cohort study. JAMA Psychiatry. 2014;71(4):446-53.

Bismark M, Biggar S, Crock C, Morris J, Studdert DM. The role of governing boards in improving patient experience: Attitudes and activities of health services boards in Victoria, Australia. Patient Experience Journal 2014;1:144-152.

Bismark MM, Studdert DM. Governance of quality of care: a qualitative study of health service boards in Victoria, Australia. BMJ Qual Saf. 2014;23(6):474-82.

Sutherland G, Kemp C, Bugeja L, Sewell G, Pirkis J, Studdert DM. What happens to coroners' recommendations for improving public health and safety? Organisational responses under a mandatory response regime in Victoria, Australia. BMC Public Health. 2014;18;14:732. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-14-732.

Bismark MM, Spittal MJ, Pleuckhahn T, Studdert DM. Mandatory reports of concerns about the health, performance and conduct of health practitioners. Med J Aust. 2014;201(7):399-403

Mello MM, Studdert DM, Kachalia A. The medical liability climate and prospects for reform. JAMA. 2014;312(20):2146-2155.

O’Donnell M, Grant GM, Alkemade N, Spittal MJ, Creamer M, Silove D, McFarlane A, Bryant RA, Forbes D, Studdert DM. The relationship between compensation stress and long term disability after serious injury (accepted for publication, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry).

Hyman DA, Studdert DM.  EMTALA: What every physician should know about the federal anti-dumping law. Chest (accepted for publication, 2014)

Barnett PG, Chow A, Joyce VR, Bayoumi AM, Griffin SC, Sun H, Holodniy M, Brown ST, Cameron DW, Sculpher M, Youle M, Anis AH, Owens DK.  Effect of management strategies and clinical status on costs of care for advanced HIV.  Am J Managed Care 2014; 0(5):e129-e137.

Kazi DS, Garber AM, Shah RU, Dudley RA, Mell M, Rhee C, Moshkevich S, Boothroyd DB, Owens DK, Hlatky MA. Cost-effectiveness analysis of genotype-guided and dual antiplatelet therapies in acute coronary syndrome.  Annals of Internal Medicine 2014; 160:221-232.

Alistar SS, Owens DK, Brandeau ML. Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of oral pre-exposure prophylaxis in a portfolio of prevention programs for injection drug users in mixed HIV epidemics.  PLoS One 2014; Jan 28;9(1):e86584. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0086584. eCollection 2014. PMID: 24489747.

Khazeni N, Hutton DW, Collins I, Garber AM, Owens DK. Health and economic benefits of early vaccination for a human influenza A(H7N9) pandemic.  Annals of Internal Medicine 2014 160:684-694.  PMCID: PMC4053659.

Moyer VA, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.  Screening for primary hypertension in children and adolescents: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Pediatrics 2013; Nov;132(5):907-14. doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-2864. Epub 2013 Oct 7. PMID: 24101758.

Shluzas LA, Cronkite RC, Chambers D, Hoffman BB, Breeling J, Musen MA, Owens DK, Goldstein MK. Organizational factors affecting implementation of the ATHENA-Hypertension clinical decision support system during the VA’s nation-wide information technology restructuring: a case study.  Health Systems  2014; (in press).

Pershing S, Enns EA, Matesic B, Owens DK, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD. Cost effectiveness of treatment for diabetic macular edema.  Annals of Internal Medicine 2014; 160: 18-29. PMID: 24573663.

Moyer VA, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.  Screening for oral cancer: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Annals of Internal Medicine 2014; 160(1):55-60. doi: 10.7326/M13-2568. PMID: 24276469.

Moyer VA, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Vitamin, mineral, and multivitamin supplement for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Annals of Internal Medicine 2014 Apr 15;160(8):558-64. doi: 10.7326/M14-0198. PMID: 24566474.

Moyer VA, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.  Screening for lung cancer: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Annals of Internal Medicine 2014; 160:330-338.

Qaseem A, Dallas P, Owens DK, Starkey M, Holty JE, Shekelle P and the Clinical Guidelines Committee of the American College of Physicians.  Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea in adults: A clinical practice guideline from the American College of Physicians.  Annals of Internal Medicine 2014; 161:210-220. PMID: 25089864.

Halvorsen MA, Finlay AK, Cronkite RC, Bi X, Hayashi K, Maisel NC, Amundsen EO, Weitlauf JC, Litt IF, Owens DK, Timko C, cuciare MA, Finney JW. Ten-year publication trajectories of health services research career development award recipients: collaboration, awardee characteristics, and productivity correlates.  Evaluation & the Health Professions.  2014 Jul 11. pii: 0163278714542848 [Epub ahead of print].

Moyer VA, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.  Screening for cognitive impairment in older adults: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Annals of Internal Medicine 2014; Jun 3;160(11):791-7. doi: 10.7326/M14-0496. PMID: 24663815.

LeFevre ML, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.  Screening for suicide risk in adolescents, adults, and older people in primary care: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Annals of Internal Medicine 2014; May 20;160(10):719-26. doi: 10.7326/M14-0589. PMID: 24842417.

Habbema JDF, Wilt TJ, Etzioni R, Nelson HD, Schechter CB, Lawrence WF, Melnikow J, Kuntz KM, Owens DK, Feuer EJ. Models in the development of clinical practice guidelines.  Annals of Internal Medicine 2014 (in press).

Gidwani R, Barnett PG, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD, Asch SM, Lo J, Dally SK, Owens DK. Uptake and utilization of directly-acting antiviral medications for hepatitis C infection in U.S. veterans. Journal of Viral Hepatitis  2014 (in press). 

LeFevre ML, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.  Screening for asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Annals of Internal Medicine 2014; 161(5):356-62. doi: 10.7326/M14-1333.  PMID: 25003392.

LeFevre ML, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.  Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Annals of Internal Medicine 2014; Aug 19;161(4):281-90. doi: 10.7326/M14-1204.  PMID: 24957320.

LeFevre ML, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.  Screening for hepatitis B virus infection in nonpregnant adolescents and adults: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation statement. Annals of Internal Medicine 2014; Jul 1;161(1):58-66. doi: 10.7326/M14-1018 PMID: 24863637.

Chang TI, Owens DK, Chertow GM.  Lowering blood pressure to lower the risk of cardiovascular events in chronic kidney disease [Commentary].  American Journal of Kidney Disease 2014; 63(6):900-902. doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2014.03.001.

Lenzi J, Luciano L, McDonald KM, Rosa S, Damiani G, Corsello G, Fantini MP. Empirical examination of the indicator ‘pediatric gastroenteritis hospitalization rate’ based on administrative hospital data in Italy. Italian Journal of Pediatrics; 2014; 40:14.

Luciano L, Lenzi J, McDonald KM, Rosa S, Damiani G, Corsello G, Fantini MP. Empirical validation of the “Pediatric Asthma Hospitalization Rate” indicator. Italian Journal of Pediatrics; 2014; 40:7.

Arkin N, Lee P, McDonald KM, Hernandez-Boussard T. The Association of Nurse-to-Patient Ratio with Mortality and Preventable Complications Following Aortic Valve Replacement. J Card Surg; 2014 Jan 12.

McDonald KM. The Diagnostic Field’s Players and Interactions: From the Inside Out. Diagnosis. 2014 Jan; 1(1): 55-58.

Davies S, Saynina O, Baker L, McDonald KM. Impact of Including Readmissions for Qualifying Events in the Patient Safety Indicators. American Journal of Medical Quality. 2014 Jan.

Hernandez-Boussard T., Davies S, McDonald KM, Wang NE. Inter-Facility transfers in the US: A Nationwide Outcomes Study. Journal of Patient Safety. In press.

Center for International Security and Cooperation

CISAC emphasizes innovative research, dedicated teaching, and public policy outreach in four policy areas of international security and cooperation: nuclear weapons and nuclear energy, cybersecurity, biosecurity, and internal and regional conflict. Across all areas, CISAC faculty members explore cross-cutting themes of global networks, information and intelligence, and organizational behavior in historical, political, scientific, and/or international context.

Nuclear Security. Resulting from two generous private gifts, CISAC has gained two senior faculty positions. Professor Rodney Ewing, a geologist and materials scientist from the University of Michigan, appointed by President Obama as chair of the Federal Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, has become professor of geological and environmental sciences in the School of Earth Studies, the inaugural Frank Stanton Professor in Nuclear Security, and an FSI Senior Fellow resident at CISAC. And, in January 2015, professor Matthew Connelly from Columbia University joins the Stanford History Department and will be CISAC’S inaugural Hazy Senior Fellow in International Security. Connelly is a scholar of global history who writes on nuclear issues and on official secrecy. Both from gifts and generous foundation grants, CISAC has a vibrant pre- and post-doctoral fellowship program in nuclear studies.

Cybersecurity. In an initiative begun by Tino Cuéllar when he was co-director of CISAC, CISAC co-director Amy Zegart continued and expanded the Center’s fellowship program for doctoral students focused on securing the world’s computer networks. Zegart also recruited Herbert Lin, chief scientist at the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Research Council of the National Academies, to become, in January 2015, CISAC’s inaugural senior research scholar in cyber policy and research and, as well, a Hoover research fellow. Zegart and Lin, with the Hoover Institution, launched a highly successful Congressional Cyber Boot Camp in August 2014. This brought together 22 senior Congressional staffers with private industry leaders and academic experts for an intensive workshop examining technical, legal, and political dimensions of cybersecurity.

Biosecurity. CISAC co-director David Relman expanded the Center’s reach on biosecurity. Dr. Relman—who advises the U.S. government on pathogen diversity, dual-use technology and biosecurity—was president of the Infectious Diseases Society of America last year, and serves as chair of the Forum on Microbial Threats at the U.S. Institute of Medicine (National Academies of Science). Relman has both broadened and deepened CISAC’s work in biosecurity by asking how scientists can most effectively shape government policy and identify risks during the ongoing life sciences revolution. He works closely with bioengineer and CISAC fellow Megan Palmer to answer questions from the government and the public about the unprecedented Ebola crisis and other crises, whether “natural” or “human-made.”

Teaching. The Stanford Committee on the Review of Undergraduate Majors renewed CISAC’s honors program, Interdisciplinary Honors in International Security Studies, for an almost unprecedented eight years, calling it a “model program” benefitting from the “strong and engaged leadership” of professors Martha Crenshaw and Chip Blacker. In addition, while continuing to strongly emphasize “in class” undergraduate teaching, CISAC faculty members Zegart and Crenshaw, and, separately, William J. Perry are exploring the new media of online learning for undergraduates.

Select Publications:

Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, Governing Security: The Hidden Origins of American Security Agencies (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013) http://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=16563

Rebecca Slayton, Arguments that Count: Physics, Computing, and Missile Defense, 1949-2012 (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013). http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/arguments-count

Herbert Lin, edited with David Clark and Tom Berson, At the Nexus of Cybersecurity and Public Policy: Some Basic Concepts and Issues (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2014). http://www.nap.edu/catalog/18749/at-the-nexus-of-cybersecurity-and-public-policy-some-basic

Edward Blandford and Scott Sagan, eds., Learning from Fukushima: Improving Nuclear Safety and Security after Accidents (Stanford University Press, forthcoming 2015).

In addition, two former pre-doctoral fellows at CISAC published award-winning books based on the research and writing they did when CISAC fellows:

Lisa Stampnitzky, Disciplining Terror: How Experts Invented “Terrorism” (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013). http://www.cambridge.org/US/academic/subjects/sociology/political-sociology/disciplining-terror-how-experts-invented-terrorism

Jacob N. Shapiro, The Terrorist’s Dilemma: Managing Violent Covert Organizations (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013). http://press.princeton.edu/titles/10146.html

The Europe Center

At The Europe Center, 2013-2014 was marked by substantial accomplishments in our efforts through research and teaching to collectively advance our understanding of Europe and its role in the world. The Center introduced a biannual graduate student grant competition sponsoring nearly thirty innovative research projects by some of Stanford’s most talented graduate students. We also started an undergraduate internship program which provided Stanford students the opportunity to work in Brussels on research projects designed to inform policymaking in the European Union. In an effort to bring recognition to major new scholarly works on Europe, we inaugurated the TEC Lectureship on Europe and the World with Adam Tooze speaking on World War I and the remaking of the global order in the first lectures in this annual series.  We complimented this event with seven conferences, a host of research presentations, and speeches by high profile world leaders such as José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Union, and Pascal Lamy, former Director-General of the World Trade Organization. Motivating all of these activities was an array of research projects by faculty affiliates. The Center focused its research efforts on the public policy areas of immigration and public finance with publications in leading journals such as the Journal of Political Economy, American Journal of Political Science, American Economic Review, Economics & Politics, British Journal of Political Science, and The Journal of Economic History. We also started a number of new research collaborations including a partnership with the FSI’s Policy Implementation Lab on immigration and integration in Europe. This project seeks to bring modern methods of program evaluation to the question of what works in terms of policies designed to integrate immigrants in Europe into the economic, political, and social life of their receiving countries. We look forward in the coming year to expand this research project and several others in the areas of immigration, inequality, and public finance. We also look forward to take the final steps in implementing a new undergraduate minor in European Studies in partnership with Stanford Global Studies.

Select Publications:

Abramitzky, Ran, and Victor Lavy. "How Responsive is Investment in Schooling to Changes in Redistribution Policies and in Returns?" Econometrica, 82.4 (July 2014): pp. 1241-1272.

Abramitzky, Ran, Leah Platt Boustan, and Katherine Eriksson. "A Nation of Immigrants: Assimilation and Economic Outcomes in the Age of Mass Migration."  Journal of Political Economy, 122.3 (June 2014):  pp. 467-506.

Alduy, Cecile. "Rate for Violence, Not Sex." The New York Times 21 November 2013. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com.

Alduy, Cecile. "The Devil's Daughter." The Atlantic 10 September 2013.  Retrieved from http:/theatlantic.com.

Berger, Karol. "Karol Berger Responds." The Journal of Musicology, 31.2 (Spring 2014): pp. 294-296.

Berger, Karol. "The Ends of Music History, or: The Old Masters in the Supermarket of Cultures." The Journal of Musicology, 31.2 (Spring 2014): pp. 186-198.

Casper, Gerhard. The Winds of Freedom-Addressing Challenges to the University. New Haven: Yale University Press, February 2014. Print.

Crombez, Christophe, and Pieterjan Vangerven. "Procedural models of European Union politics: Contributions and suggestions for improvement." European Union Politics, 15.2 (June 2014): pp. 289-308.

Daub, Adrian. Four - Handed Monsters: Four - Hand Piano Playing and Nineteenth Century Culture. New York: Oxford University Press, June 2014. Print.

Daub, Adrian. Tristan's Shadow: Sexuality and the Total Work of Art after Wagner. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, November 2013. Print.

Baer, Ulrich, and Eshel, Amir, eds. Hannah Arendt zwischen den Disziplinen (German). Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag GMbH, May 2014. Print.

Fukuyama, Francis. "Democracy and the Quality of the State." Journal of Democracy,24(4) (October 2013): pp. 5-16.

Abadie, Alberto,  Alexis Diamond, and Jens Hainmueller. "Comparative Politics and the Synthetic Control Method." American Journal of Political Science, DOI: 10.1111/ajps.12116 (April 2014).

Josling, Timothy. "Agriculture and the Global Trade Agenda." World Politics Review (June 2014).

Jusko, Karen. "Electoral geography and redistributive politics." Journal of Theoretical Politics,  DOI: 10.1177/0951629814521514 (April 2014)

Koudijs, Peter. Those Who Know Most: Insider Trading in 18th C. Amsterdam. Working paper no. 3191. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.

Koudijs, Peter. The Boats That Did Not Sail: Asset Price Volatility in a Natural Experiment. Working paper no. 3186. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.

Dancygier, Rafaela M. and David Laitin. "Immigration into Europe: Economic Discrimination, Violence, and Public Policy." Annual Review of Political Science, 17 (May 2014): pp. 43-64. Print.

Laitin, David. "The Industrial Organization of Merged Armies." In: Licklider, Roy, ed. New Armies from Old: Merging Competing Military Forces after Civil Wars. Georgetown University Press, April 2014. pp. 231-244. Print.

Adida, Claire L., David Laitin, and Marie-Anne Valfort. "Muslims in France: identifying a discriminatory equilibrium." Journal of Population Economics, 27.4 (April 2014): pp. 1039-1086. Print.

Morris, Ian. War!  What is it Good for? New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, April 2014. Print.

Bertanha, Marinho, and Petra Moser. Spatial Errors in Count Data Regressions. Working paper. Social Science Research Network, 04 Dec. 2014. Web.

Lampe, Ryan, and Petra Moser. Patent Pools, Competition, and Innovation - Evidence from 20 U.S. Industries under the New Deal. Working paper. Social Science Research Network, 26 May 2014. Web.

Baker, Scott R., Nicholas Bloom, Brandice Canes-Wrone, Steven J. Davis, and Jonathan A. Rodden. "Why Has US Policy Uncertainty Risen since 1960?" American Economic Review, 104.5 (May 2014): pp. 56-60.

Safran, Gabriella. "The Troubled Frame Narrative: Bad Listening in Late Imperial Russia."  Russian Review, 72.4 (October 2013): pp. 556-572

Safran, Gabriella. "Some Russian Jewish Writers in Switzerland and the Valorization of Jewish Argument Style." In: Lewinsky, Tamar and Sandrine Mayoraz eds. East European Jews in Switzerland: New Perspectives on Modern Jewish History. Berlin: De Gruyter, October 2013. pp. 77-98. Print.

Satia, Priya. "Drones: A History from the British Middle East." Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, 5.1 (Spring 2014), pp. 1-31.

Onorato, Massimiliano G., Kenneth Scheve, and David Stasavage. "Technology and the Era of the Mass Army." The Journal of Economic History, 74.02 (June 2014), pp. 449-481.

Fregel, Rosa, Krish Seetah, Eva Betancor, Nicolas M. Suarez, Diego Calaon, Sasa Caval, Anwar Janoo, and Jose Pestano. "Multiple Ethnic Origins of Mitochondrial DNA Lineages for the Population of Mauritius." PLOS ONE,    DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093294 (March 2014)

Seetah, Krish, Thomas Cucchi, Keith Dobney, Graeme Barker. "A geometric morphometric re-evaluation of the use of dental form to explore differences in horse (Equus caballus) populations and its potential zooarchaeological application." Journal of Archaeological Science, 41 (January 2014): pp. 904–910.

Ciancia, Kathryn, and Edith Sheffer. "Creating Lives: Fictional Characters in the History Classroom." Perspectives on History (Oct. 2013)

Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center

Shorenstein APARC pursued research on multiple fronts. The Divided Memories and Reconciliation project on wartime memory in Asia convened an important Track 1.5 dialogue with scholars and officials from China, Japan, Korea, the United States and Europe, issuing a report with recommendations in conjunction with the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat, the multilateral governmental organization of China, Japan and South Korea, as well as publishing an important volume comparing the experiences of Europe and Asia in the construction of wartime memory. The project on demographic change in Asia convened a scholarly conference in Beijing at SCPKU on urbanization, and guest edited a special issue of the Journal of the Economics of Aging presenting comparative research on China and India. The Japan Program convened a U.S.-Japan dialogue focused on energy and economic development and embarked on a research project on innovation and entrepreneurship in Japan. The research project on China’s relations with its neighbors began the publication of a series of three books on China’s relations with Northeast, Southeast and South Asia with Stanford University Press. And the Korea Program published a new policy study on engagement with North Korea, presented to the Korean National Assembly as well as at the Brookings Institution in Washington.

Selected Publications:

Park, Young-a. Unexpected Alliances: Independent Filmmakers, the State, and the Film Industry in Post-Authoritarian South Korea. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2014. http://www.sup.org/books/flyer/?id=20968

Dossani, Rafiq, editor. Modes of Engagement: Muslim Minorities in Asia. Stanford, CA: Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, 2014. http://www.brookings.edu/research/books/2013/modes-of-engagement

Chirot, Daniel, Gi-Wook Shin, and Daniel C. Sneider. Confronting Memories of World War II: European and Asian Legacies. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2014. http://www.washington.edu/uwpress/search/books/CHICON.html

Emmerson, Donald. “Facts, Minds, and Formats: Scholarship and Political Change in Indonesia.” In Producing Indonesia: the State of the Field of Indonesian Studies, edited by Eric Tagliacozzo. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2014. http://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/?GCOI=80140100708040

Diamond, Larry, and Gi-Wook Shin. New Challenges for Maturing Democracies in Korea and Taiwan. Studies of the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2014.http://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=23574

Eggleston, Karen, and David Bloom. “The Economic Implications of Population Ageing in China and India: Introduction to the Special Issue.” The Economic Implications of Population Ageing in China and India special issue. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 4 (December 2014), 1–7. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2212828X14000371

“Defying Gravity: Can Japanese Sovereign Debt Continue to Increase Without a Crisis?”

Hoshi, Takeo. “Defying Gravity: Can Japanese Sovereign Debt Continue to Increase Without a Crisis?” Economic Policy 29, no. 77 (January 2014): 5–44.

Shin, Gi-Wook, David Straub, and Joyce Lee. “Tailored Engagement: Toward an Effective and Sustainable Inter-Korean Relations Policy.” Stanford, CA: Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, 2014. http://aparc.fsi.stanford.edu/publication/tailored-engagement-toward-effective-and-sustainable-inter-korean-relations-policy

Zellweger, Katharina. “People with Disabilities in a Changing North Korea.” Stanford, CA: Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, 2014. http://aparc.fsi.stanford.edu/publications/people_with_disabilities_in_…

Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education

During the past year, SPICE served as a bridge between FSI and schools in four primary ways. First, in the area of curriculum development, SPICE developed a comprehensive curriculum unit for high schools called Traditional and Contemporary Korean Culture, and teacher guides for the SPICE-produced films, My Cambodia (a film about a scholar and former refugee as she returns to Cambodia), My Cambodian America (a film about a young photographer who captures the stories of various Cambodian Americans), and After the Darkness (a film about the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan). Second, in the area of teacher professional development, SPICE co-sponsored (with the Center for Latin American Studies) a seminar on the Bracero Program, a series of laws that allowed the United States to recruit temporary guest workers from Mexico from 1942 to 1964. The seminar featured lectures by FSI Director Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar and CLAS Director Rodolfo Dirzo. SPICE also co-sponsored (with the Korea Program, Shorenstein APARC) the third annual Hana-Stanford Conference on Korea for Secondary School Teachers. The seminar featured lectures by Korea Program Associate Director David Straub and Shorenstein APARC Associate Director for Research Daniel Sneider. In addition, SPICE sponsored two 35-hour teacher seminars for middle and high school teachers in the San Francisco Bay Area. Third, in the area of distance-learning education, SPICE offered two national high school courses on Japan and Korea. The principal investigators of these courses are Thomas Rohlen Center Fellow at FSI Phillip Lipscy and Shorenstein APARC Director Gi-Wook Shin, respectively. Fourth, in an effort to create new opportunities for secondary teachers, college faculty, and students to engage with FSI scholarship, SPICE launched Scholars Corner. Scholars Corner features videos of scholars from FSI discussing contemporary issues and research in their fields of expertise, reflecting FSI’s research interest in the problems, policies, and processes that cross international borders and affect lives around the world. Each video is accompanied by a suggested activity and/or lesson that can be used in the classroom to help students better understand the content being discussed. The inaugural video features Francis Fukuyama, the Olivier Nomellini Senior Fellow at FSI, discussing issues of governance and corruption in politics.

Selected Publications:

My Cambodia and My Cambodian America, SPICE, © 2014 http://spice.fsi.stanford.edu/multimedia/my-cambodia-and-my-cambodian-america

After the Darkness, SPICE, © 2014 http://spice.fsi.stanford.edu/multimedia/after-darkness

Traditional and Contemporary Korean Culture, SPICE, © 2014 https://spice.fsi.stanford.edu/content/traditional-and-contemporary-korean-culture
